At Villanova College, we believe that student wellbeing is essential for academic success and personal development. We prioritise the holistic wellbeing of our students. We believe that by fostering physical, social, emotional, and spiritual health, we can help our students reach their full potential both in and out of the classroom. 

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Wellbeing at Villanova College

Physical Wellbeing
Our Health and Physical Education curriculum emphasises the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the development of good habits that will benefit our students throughout their lives. We provide excellent facilities and programs to support their fitness goals. 

Social Wellbeing
We believe that social connections are vital to student wellbeing. Our pastoral care program provides a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters the development of empathy, compassion, and respect.

Emotional Wellbeing
We provide a range of support services and resources to help our students manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges. Our pastoral care team, counsellors, and chaplaincy program are always available to provide guidance and support.

Spiritual Wellbeing
We encourage our students to explore their spirituality and develop their understanding of their values and beliefs. Our chaplaincy program provides opportunities for reflection, prayer, and spiritual growth.

Wellbeing Program

The same year Villanova celebrated its 75 years, the decision was made to embed a Wellbeing Program Be Your Best Self into the curriculum. This decision put Villanova at the forefront of student wellbeing and as 2023 came to a close, it was important to reflect on all the things accomplished in the wellbeing space in its inaugural year.

Wellbeing at Villanova is a holistic approach that addresses the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of our boys. Team building activities have been a regular feature along with social interactions across cohorts. In terms of measuring success, there has been regular evaluations on the program and the impact it has on the students and this feedback is then used for continuous adaptations and improvements. 2023 was an exciting year in the wellbeing space, where foundations were lead.

Be Your Best Self sees students from Years 5-12 undertake roughly 300 lessons in a range of topics such as Resilience, Motivation, Nutrition, Sleep, Grit, Friendship, Group Dynamics, Respect, Peer Pressure, Impacts of social media, Self-reflection, Identity and Growth Mindset to name a few.

A range of valuable experiences have been incorporated into the program to enhance student wellbeing. They include;

  • Fun, meaningful and practical activities individually, in pairs and in small groups
  • Self-reflection
  • Mindfulness exercises
  • Guest speakers and external professionals
  • Collaboration with other year levels
  • Outdoor activities

A range of other additions have been made to improve student wellbeing at Villanova. The Week in Reviews are a much-loved component of our assemblies, teacher/student matches at lunchtimes have brought a sense of fun and entertainment for the whole school and afternoons with ‘sister’ schools provide valuable opportunities to interact socially and develop respectful relationships. It has been a positive start to Wellbeing but there is much to be done!


At the end of Term 4, 2023, students were asked in a survey to provide their feedback on the program. Their responses were honest, articulate and will be used to make amendments and shape the program so that it can have the best possible impact and make a real difference for the boys.

It’s easy to think of wellbeing as a buzzword or a concept that is currently ‘in vogue’, but prioritising the wellbeing of our students means we are ensuring our boys graduate as socially competent, resilient, well-adjusted and capable young men. The world we live in means we must do this for our boys. The decision takes into account the whole student, broader educational agenda, and will help them transition to life beyond the school gates.

Get in touch with our Director of Student Wellbeing and Pastoral Programming
Mrs Sheridan Carey


2024 Open Day

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