College Board

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About Our Board

The College Board is the governing body of the school and the board of the not-for-profit company, Villanova College, which owns and operates the College on behalf of the Order of St Augustine.

Its aim is to ensure the College fulfils its goals as guided by the educational philosophy of the Order of St Augustine, and in doing so maintains and develops its Christian, Catholic and Augustinian character.

Its members include parents, staff, Augustinian Fathers, past students and others selected for their professional expertise.

The membership committee invites all potential representatives to volunteer their name and curriculum vitae for inclusion in the register, from which new members can be selected to maintain the balance of the Board when vacancies occur.

Appointments to the College Board are made by the Australian Province of the Augustinians.

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Current Members
Mr Peter Finnimore
Chair (October 2022) 2021 – Present
Mrs Paula Hoctor
Deputy Chair (October 2022) 2021 – Present
Fr Peter Wieneke OSA
2015 – Present
Mrs Joan Mackay
2019 – Present
Dr Kath Gibbs
2022 – Present
Mr Chris Gyetvay
2022 – Present
Mr Liam Smith
2022 – Present
Ms Paulette Corkery
2024 – Present
Mr Stevhan Davidson
2024 – Present
Mr Kushal Sami
2024 – Present
Mr Paul Begg
Principal (Ex Officio)
Mrs Agi Waloszek
Company Secretary (Ex Officio)
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Expressions Of Interest

Villanova College, established in 1948, is part of Australia’s Augustinian community and provides accessible, high-quality education to boys from Year 5 to Year 12. The College is incorporated as a company Limited by Guarantee and governed by a Board of Directors.

Villanova is seeking people willing to contribute to the ongoing development of Catholic education in the Augustinian Tradition by investing their time and skills as a Director on the Board. The position of Director is honorary and voluntary, and does not carry any remuneration.

The Board draws on the register to fill all vacancies as and when they occur. The Board is presently seeking interest from people committed to Catholic education, and who possess the necessary skills and experience in areas such as:


Finance / Accounting



Human Resources

Property, Building, Project Management or related disciplines

Other relevant disciplines

Register Your Interest

If you wish to register your interest to be considered for future openings on the Board, please complete the form.
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2024 Open Day

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