Senior School
The Villanova College Senior School experience is a three-year journey for students across Years 10, 11 and 12. It provides opportunities for our young men to fulfill their academic potential in order to then share their gifts and graces in the community. The Senior School aims to provide an environment where our students are able to choose a course of study that gives them a breadth of academic learning but at the same time allows them to focus on a specific pathway once they graduate.
A Senior School student receives support via a large number of staff at the College. Student’s study up to 7 subjects whilst in Years 10, 11 and 12, and it is the support of highly knowledgeable teachers, who are experts in the senior curriculum, that provide them with the expert teaching and tutoring required to be successful. Other staff such as Heads of Faculty and curriculum middle leaders provide further academic support to Senior School students whilst Heads of Year monitor student wellbeing and work with the classroom teachers to ensure classroom environments are conducive to excellent teaching and learning.
The curriculum studied by students in Years 10, 11 and 12 is based on the Australian Curriculum and Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) syllabuses, and includes study in the following areas:

(Applied Subjects*)
Mathematics Methods
Creative Arts
Film, Television and New Media
Visual Art
Religious Education
Study of Religion
Religion and Ethics*
Essential English*
English as an Additional Language
Health and Physical Education
Humanities and Languages Other Than English
Modern History
Vocational Education and Training (VET) Subjects
Vocational Education & Training (VET) subjects are complete training packages in which successful completion leads to the award of a VET certificate. These certificates are in addition to the other certification students receive. To receive the VET Certificate, students must complete the course and demonstrate competency in each of the required VET modules. VET subjects include:
Certificate III Aviation (Remote Pilot) – AV130419
Certificate III in Business – BSB30120
Certificate III in Fitness – SIS30315
Certificate III in Hospitality – SIT30616
Diploma of Business – BSB50120
The academic culture within Years 11 and 12 is also supported through academic mentoring within the Academic Coaching Program. The program provides students with time to ensure that the students have a clear purpose and commitment to their learning pathway. Each student is supported by a mentor (staff member at the College).