Congratulations to all players, families and coaches following a fantastic 2024 season. Our First XVIII placed fourth and Villa placed third overall in the aggregate results. Well done to the following Premiership winning teams: 8A & 6C.
The 2025 season will commence with selection trials in Term 4, 2024.
Any questions should be directed to our AFL Coordinator, Matt Conlan.
Email: mconlan@vnc.qld.edu.au
Please note Draws do not appear on this page. Visit the Locker Room Overview page and scroll down to Weekly Fixture/Draw Information.
The Xmas Holidays 2024/2025 training schedule for Opens & Year 10 players.
Term 1, 2025 AFL Training Schedule. Commences from Tuesday afternoon 28th January.
The full Term 1 Training Schedule – all sports and S&C – can be located on the Locker Room Overview page.
Villanova has a very strong association with the Coorparoo Junior Australian Football Club. As such, all AFL training is conducted at the Coorparoo JAFC grounds. Sessions occur in the mornings and afternoons with transport provided to/from the College.
AIC AFL is played in Term 1. All AFL trials are held in the previous year during Term 4. Students who are new to the College will be invited to the AFL trials held in Term 4 (that is, the year before they officially commence). All information regarding trials will be posted on the Locker Room Overview page early Term 4. New families will receive email communication from the College regarding these trials.
AIC AFL is now offered to all students from Year 5-12. The divisions are set out below.
Teams Offered
Year 5A, 5B and 5C
Year 6A, 6B and 6C
Year 7A and 7B
Year 8A and 8B
Year 9A and 9B
Year 10A (reintroduced from 2025)
Open 1st XVIII and Open 2nd XVIII (primarily students from Years 11 and 12)
All Year 5-10 games are played on a Saturday morning. The Opens play on a Friday afternoon during Term 1 of the school year. As cricket and volleyball are played on Saturday, the Year 5-10 students can only choose to play AFL or cricket or volleyball.
As the Open games are played on Friday afternoons/evenings, these students (Years 11-12) can play AFL as well as Cricket or Volleyball on Saturday.
2017 was the inaugural year of the Year 5 and 6 AFL competition. The Year 7-12 AFL competition was introduced in 2019. In this short time AFL has become very popular and well received throughout the Villanova community.