AIC Chess
Congratulations to all players, families and coaches following a fantastic 2024 season. Our First IV placed seventh and Villa placed fourth overall in the aggregate results. Wel done to our Premiership winning team: Intermediate B.
The 2025 season will commence with selection trials in Term 1, 2025.
Any questions or concerns should be directed through the Villanova Chess Coordinator, Mrs Kath Underhill
Chess has become a very popular sport at Villanova College and is offered to all students. Chess allows students to socialise and compete against their peers. The skills built through playing Chess, such as mathematical, analytical, problem solving and strategy, are often employed in other areas of life, making this sport one of the most beneficial for inner development.
The Villanova Chess Club is now open at Villanova, with opportunities to play socially at lunchtimes. A number of highly motivated and passionate staff run the College’s Chess program and a specialised external Chess Coach is employed by Villanova to teach all the necessary skills and strategies needed to master the game. From these sessions, teams will be selected based on skill and commitment.
The AIC Chess competition is held during Term 2 and all games are played on Friday afternoons or evenings after school.