First V
At the end of last year when we as coaches sat down to set out our plans and goals for the year ahead, at the top of the list for our First V Basketball was to chase history. On Saturday, our squad came together as one, with a willingness to make individual sacrifices to impact winning. They did so not just with their own objectives at hand, but more what it would mean to their families who too made sacrifices, their brothers who pushed them to be better, and for their Villanova brothers who have come before them and will come after them.
St Peter’s presented our biggest challenge coming into this season, a team built to challenge our style of play lead by a number of Australian representatives which proved to be match up nightmares. But walking into the change room before the game, there was a calmness in the air, as the Villanova faithful built in Goold Hall, you could sense the boys wearing Green and Gold were up for it.
In true Villanova spirit and what has become a fixture of the First V Basketball program, we got lost in the process, the grind, and the work in front of us, focusing on every next play, and never settling. Every member of our squad had an impact on winning on Saturday in Goold Hall, whether it was talking to the guys on the floor, being the first to high five the guys coming out, diving on the loose ball, making second and third efforts on rebounds, sprinting to get back on defence, making the extra pass on offense or most importantly laying their bodies on the line to take charges at critical times of the game.
Saturday was special because of the community that helped us get there, the community of Villanovans whether they be Old Boys, parents, staff or current students, all Villanovans came together to share in this moment and helped Villanova write our name in the history books. We heard you, we felt you in Goold Hall on Saturday, you were our sixth man, always there ready to go whenever we it seemed we would stumble, and we did it for you. Watching all of you celebrate, side by side with the 14 young men who suited up on Saturday made it even more special, you helped us protect the sacred parquet floor of Goold, we couldn’t have done it without you.
The First V Basketball of 2023 overcame the toughest challenge I have seen in my five years here as the Head Basketball Coach, but they are not done chasing history as we go and compete against the best basketball schools in Queensland this weekend. Villanova will again be the only AIC team in Championship division from Thursday to Sunday at Coomera Indoor Sports Centre and we encourage all our Villa community to again get behind these boys.
Thursday 14 September
9:30am v BBC
3:30pm v St James College
Friday 15 September
2pm v Matthew Flinders College
8pm v TBC
We couldn’t have done it without the families who have sacrificed themselves and helped these young men grow and develop into who they are today. My coaching staff – Mr Stephen Rouhliadeff, Mr Sam Korst, Mr Travis Warren, Mr Brad Collins, and Mr Lachlan Nuttall, some of the best basketball minds in the country and we are fortunate to have them at Villanova, turning up week in and week out. To all the boys who made teams or trialled for teams you made us all better, the coaches across the program you help teach and develop our boys to prepare them for the AIC season we cannot do it without your dedication, commitment, and expertise.
Please join me in congratulating this year’s First V Basketball have achieved the College’s first ever 3peat, three undefeated AIC Premierships.
Mr Jordan Mullan, First V Head Coach

Congratulations to all players, coaches and supporters of the Villanova Basketball program for 2023. It was another tremendous season with so many different programs running to cater for all levels of skills and experience. We again entered the maximum number of teams available and the strength of numbers at trials again made it very difficult to select teams but also showed the strength of talent available at the school. We concluded the season with 7 premierships across Year 7-12 and another seven undefeated teams in Year 5 and 6 (full listing below). On top of those 13 teams, an honourable mention to our Fourth V, 11A, 10C, 8B and 7A teams who finished in second place on the AIC ladder.
Our First V team for 2023 have been preparing since early in Term 1, this group of young men spent many hours in the gym and on the court in preparation for the AIC season. The success for this team began in Term 2 after finding wins against a number of GPS teams in trial matches and claiming the victory against our brother school, St Augustine’s College, in an over-time thriller. The brand of basketball they played was fast and exciting with the boys running the floor so well that it was hard to look away out of fear of missing something exciting. This is a credit to First V coaching team, led by Head Coach Jordan Mullan and Assistant Coach Stephen Rouhliadeff. It was a great achievement for this group to win an undefeated Premiership for the third (yep, third) year in a row. I acknowledge and thank the departing Year 12 students for their contribution to the Villanova Basketball program over many years, with a special mention to those who have contributed to the First V success in previous years.
I would also like to take a moment to thank all coaches for their efforts throughout the season. A program as successful as this can only run on the back of coaches who are willing to put in the time and effort to coach and mentor the players. We are very fortunate with the calibre of coaches that we have, and the boys should feel privileged to have them develop their individual and team skills. We have such a strong mix of staff, outside coaches and old boys who so generously give of their time and expertise to ensure they program remains so strong.
Premiership and/or Undefeated teams
- First V
- 9B
- 9C
- 9D
- 7B
- 7C
- 7D
- 6A
- 6B
- 6D
- 5A
- 5B
- 5C
- 5D
Mr Todd Kropp, Basketball Coordinator