It is with great pleasure that I welcome all families to Villanova College for what I hope will be an exciting year of sport ahead. Our aim is to maintain and further develop Villanova’s sports program from Year 5 – 12 and to ensure that our students are given the opportunity to participate and enjoy all the benefits which playing sport can provide. Villanova is a place which offers many opportunities for its students to become involved in a wide variety of areas including sport, music, culture etc. My advice to all students is to ‘get involved’ in the life of the College. Enjoy the challenges and friendships you encounter on the way and be proud to represent your College by the way you conduct yourself on and off the sports field.
At Villanova, it is considered a privilege to don the green and gold. I encourage all students to show pride in the uniform each week by training hard and playing even harder. Best wishes go to us all in 2021, let us all do our bit for the year to be a fun and enjoyable one!
Listed below are the members of the College’s Sports Office. Students and parents are asked to contact any of the personnel below if you have a query or question of a sporting nature:
Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport, Phone 3394 5611
Mr Anthony Kemp, AIC Sport Co-ordinator, Phone 3394 5584
Mr Chris Everding, AIC Sport Co-ordinator, Phone 3394 5505
Mr Todd Kropp, Sports Administration Assistant, Phone 3394 5621
With regards to sports information, it is imperative that all students and their families regularly access the College’s website. Simply refer to – from the home page scroll down to the ‘Latest News’ section. Within this section select the ‘Locker Room’ icon which has all the latest sports information for that week. Links from the ‘Locker Room’ will also take you to the ‘Weekly Fixture’ section which outlines the times and venues for all games for that week. Links from the ‘Locker Room’ will also take you to sections pertaining to each individual sport (for example AIC Cricket, AIC AFL, AIC Volleyball, AIC Swimming etc.) which will have further details pertaining to that sport. This information includes team lists, weekly draws, training schedules and much more. The website is updated regularly and should be checked regularly by all players and families throughout the entire year.
Villanova families are strongly encouraged to download the College’s App from the App store. Simply search – Villanova College App (free download) and follow the prompts. Messages and alerts are often sent via this app. Messages regarding the cancellation of matches or training, special reminders etc are often sent. The Villa View (newsletter), website and app are our three major avenues for imparting information. Please check and use them regularly for all information pertaining to sport.
Already all AIC Volleyball, AFL and Cricket team lists, training schedules, weekly game schedules, coaches’ details and much more have been added to the website for all to see. Likewise, all information pertaining to the AIC swim season has been posted. Please take the time to navigate through the site as I believe most of your questions and queries will be answered in this section.
I thank all of those who have assisted the Villa sports program over the years in taking on the various roles needed. I encourage as many people as possible to assist in 2021 by coaching, managing, refereeing, scoring, serving at canteens etc. throughout the year when the opportunities arise. I am certainly looking forward to meeting as many people as I can over the year ahead.
This Friday after school all capable swimmers from Year 5 – 12 are invited to join the Villanova Swim Squad to participate in a swim meet/time trial at Yeronga Park Pool Complex from 4.10-5.45pm (Year 5 and Year 6 members are by invitation only, although those who have participated in the pre-season training program are automatic entries). All Year 5 – Opens Cricket teams, Year 7 – 12 Volleyball, Year 5 – 12 AFL teams will face Iona College (or Marist College Ashgrove in Year 5 and Year 6) on either Friday 29 or Saturday 30 January.
Please read further details below and access the website to view all times and venues for each sporting activity.
As this weekend marks Round 1 of the AIC Competition, I encourage all boys and their coaches to come out firing. The great work put in during our pre-season programs with the various training and trial games organised will certainly stand us in good stead v Iona. Good luck to all involved and please enjoy!
Round 1 AIC Fixtures – Friday 29 and Saturday 30 January, AIC Cricket and Volleyball v Iona College (IONA), AIC AFL v Iona College and Marist College Ashgrove (ASH)
Please refer to the College’s website to view all times and venues for this weekend’s fixtures v Iona/ASH. Simply scroll down on the College’s home page to the ‘Latest News’ section and click the ‘Weekly Fixtures’ section to view the pdf doc which lists all game times and venues for each week. Links from the ‘Locker Room’ will take you to the AIC Cricket, Swimming, AFL and Volleyball sections which will have all team lists, training schedules and coaches’ details amongst other information.
COVID Restrictions for Round 1 and Swim Meet, Friday 29 and Saturday 30 January
Swimming – Sign in using QR code at venue. Only one parent per swimmer may attend the event.
Volleyball – Sign in using QR code at venue. Only one parent per player allowed for all games. The First VI team may have two parents per player and only members of the 10A and Second VI teams may stay and spectate the First VI game.
Cricket – Sign in using QR code at venue. Unlimited spectators but must socially distance.
AFL – Sign in using QR code at venue. Unlimited spectators but must socially distance.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind players and parents that cricketers need to wear the appropriate uniform to all AIC games. The uniform consists of the Villanova cricket shirt, Villanova hat or cap and white pants for all players. It is not acceptable for any player to wear any club cricket shirt or hat when representing Villanova. All players are to have their own box protector. It is compulsory for all players to wear a helmet whilst batting and keeping up to the stumps. Any fielder who is within 10m of the bat must also wear a helmet.
Training sessions have been finalized and all players are expected to attend all sessions. If for some reason a student is unable to attend training, we ask parents to email the coaches directly (not the Sports Office). The training schedule and coaches contact details are posted on the College’s website.
It is important that all players check their team lists, as there has been player movement in all year levels. Boys have been moved around since the trials last weekend and there are still opportunities for players to be moved around throughout the season.
Please be mindful that our coaches are mainly Old Boys, outside coaches or parents. Most of whom are volunteering their services free of charge. Please be mindful of this if you need to discuss any cricket matters with them. When coaches are conducting training sessions, parents should only assist if you have been approached by the coach to help out.
Many coaches need assistance from parents during the season with umpiring and scoring duties. We ask parents to offer their services so as there is an even distribution of duties so that not one person is burdened each week with the same duty.
With many Old Boys coaching, we are calling on parents to help out with managing the team. Managers will need to put together a contact list, roster for umpiring, scoring and any other general duties that can assist the coaches. This will free up the Old Boys and let them concentrate on coaching, rather than having to do jobs that others should be doing to help out. If you are able to take on this role, please contact Mr Chris Everding at the Sports Office.
Cricket COVID-19 restriction – sign in using QR code at venue. Unlimited spectators but must socially distance.
Villanova Cricket Uniform
All players from Year 5 – 12 are to wear whites.
- White pants
- Villanova cricket shirt
- Sports shoes
- Villanova green sports cap or broad brimmed hat
Under no circumstances are players permitted to wear club shirts or club hats.
Important note – All cricketers from Year 5 – 12 are asked to wear protective equipment. It is compulsory for all batsmen and wicket keepers whilst keeping up to the stumps to wear a helmet. All players are required to purchase and wear their own cricket box protector too. Although we have asked all players to purchase their own equipment this season, we have given all coaches a team kit to draw upon if players are missing certain elements of their own equipment.
Cricket – Villanova Park Canteen
Parents of boys playing on the Andrew Slack Oval are asked to man the canteen during their son’s game each Saturday. Information regarding this was emailed to all parents of those students who were selected in the 8A, 9A and First XI cricket teams earlier in the week.
In the event of rainy weather, a notification will be placed over the College’s App. An alert will only be given if games are cancelled due to wet weather.
On training days:
If it is raining in the morning, training will be cancelled. Cancellations are generally posted with a message alert via the College’s App early in the morning. It is recommended that you contact the coach if you are unsure. The coaches’ details can be found on the College’s website.
If afternoon training is to be cancelled due to rain evolving during the day, then an alert will be posted via the Villanova App by 1.00pm as well as giving an announcement to the students over the College’s PA system. If training is cancelled during the session, boys at Langlands will be taken to the undercover carpark at Easts Rugby League Club and boys can be collected from there.
Mr Todd Kropp, Volleyball Co-ordinator
The AIC Volleyball program has commenced again for 2021. I will start off by thanking our coaches and students for who gave up their holidays to attend training clinics and trial matches, we know this will be of great benefit for the season. Villanova will have 20 teams participating in the AIC Volleyball Competition, including an 11C team which will be a new team competing in 2021.
The Villanova teams have been hard at work this past weekend with a full set of trial matches against St Patricks. This was a great opportunity to solidify skills learned throughout the clinics and during preseason. A special mention to our 7 Gold and 8 Gold teams who competed in the first Villa v Villa challenge. Check out the boys flaunting their prizes from the match!

Villanova 8 Gold

Villanova 7 Gold
This Saturday 30 January, Villanova teams take on fierce volleyball rivals, Iona College, in Round 1 of the AIC Competition. We look forward to following the success of all teams this weekend in what will be a tough season opener but with three trial matches and the training program being well underway we will be fully prepared to hit the court on Saturday. The training schedules, team lists, game times, team duty’s, refs and scorers are all posted on the College’s website. It will be necessary for parents, players and coaches to check the College website on a regular basis to ensure all information is delivered.
Volleyball COVID-19 restriction – Sign in using QR code at venue. Only one parent per player allowed for all games. The First VI team may have two parents per player and only members of the 10A and Second VI team may stay and spectate the First VI game.
Goold Hall Canteen – Volleyball Parents
The Villanova Sports Club requests the assistance of all volleyball parents to help serve in the canteen during our home games. Parents are asked to assist in the canteen when their son arrives 20 minutes prior to the start time of their game time for warm up or when their son has been rostered on for court duty (this should be maximum two occasions throughout the season). We are seeking interested parents to assist in the canteen for home games. Please see the roster below for parents who are interested/available. Please do not hesitate to contact Mr Todd Kropp, Email: should you have any questions.

Villanova Volleyball Uniform – Hire Shirts
The collection schedule for hire shirts is below. This was also communicated through the College’s morning notices.
Friday 29 January
- First break – Year 11 and Year 12
- Second break – any student who missed their session
Villanova Volleyball Uniform
- Villanova volleyball shirt (for hire from the Uniform Shop)
- Green PE shorts only (no basketball, football or rugby shorts allowed)
- Villanova socks only and sports shoes
Players are to keep their shirt for the entire season and return them to their coaches at the conclusion of the season. The hire shirt will cost $20 for the season. This cost will be added to your son’s term 2 school fees account.
Good luck to all teams this week!
Mr Adam Fry – AIC AFL Co-ordinator
Welcome back to the 2021 AFL season. What a way to begin our year with such strong performances in our trial games last week against St Patrick’s College. It was fantastic to see all players and families show up early from holidays and put in such a dominating performance. It is certainly exciting to see the AFL talent Villanova has this coming season. From the weekend all coaches have managed to come up with squads for all year levels. As mentioned, these squads are not set in concrete and will continue to change throughout the season due to form and availability.
This weekend marks our first official fixture, and we will really need to be switched on and ready to go come Friday and Saturday. I ask all players to be at your designated venue at least 30 minutes prior to the first bounce so we can have an efficient and productive warmup. Some coaches may have requested earlier so check with them their start time. All players are required to wear the Villanova Rugby shorts and socks and ensure they each have a mouthguard ready to play. Jerseys have been given to the boys last week so please ensure this is also brought along to all games. The opens are the only team playing Friday afternoons from now on and it would be fantastic to see as much Green and Gold at Coorparoo as possible to support the team. Please ensure you continue to follow the COVID safe guidelines wherever you may play this weekend.
As mentioned above, there are unlimited spectators allowed at the AFL venues, however, we do ask parents to sign in using QR codes posted around the fields and socially distancing will be enforced. The Yeronga venue may section off fields to stop spectators from mixing between fields.
A reminder training will be on for Opens on Monday and Wednesday mornings, Year 7 and Year 8/9 squads on Thursday from 3:30pm – 4:30pm at Coorparoo AFC and Year 5/6 teams will be training Tuesday 3.30pm – 4.30 at Coorparoo AFC. A reminder that all players will be transported by school bus to Coorparoo AFC, but parents are required to pick their son up from training.
Good luck to all teams this weekend, I encourage all players to get there early and stay behind to support your teammates on Fridays and Saturdays and we look forward to seeing all players and spectators there this weekend to kick off what is sure to be an excellent and successful season.
AFL COVID-19 restriction – Sign in using QR code at venue. Unlimited spectators but must socially distance.
Junior Development Squad
Training will begin on Monday 1 February from 6:45-8:00am on Whinstanes Oval for those boys invited into the program. Invitation to the Junior Development Squad has been based on player performance during last year’s AIC season. Please see the AIC Football page on the College website for the squad list. At this stage, the program will run for six consecutive Monday mornings until Monday 8 March. Players are asked to wear suitable football training gear including shin guards and boots to all sessions.
Senior Development Squad/First XI and Second XI
Training will begin on Wednesday 3 February from 3:30-5:00pm at Villanova Park. Boys will need to find their own transport out to training and be picked up at the conclusion of the session. Please see the AIC Football page on the College website for the squad list.
Mrs Juanita Jacobs – AIC Swimming Co-ordinator
Many thanks to the 97 boys who attended the first swimming squad clinic on January 18. Coaches were impressed with efforts of the boys who worked well on the day. The day was an excellent opportunity for the team members to get to know each other and for the new Year 5 students to meet each other, and the older members of the squad.
Training continues for the next five weeks. The details are given in the swimming squad newsletter and on the College website. With only five weeks left until the AIC Championships on February 26, we must have as many swimmers in the water as often as possible to ensure that we are ready for the competition.
Our first swim meet of the season will be held this Friday evening at Yeronga Pool. Boys in Middle and Senior Squads are asked to meet at the front of the Hanrahan Theatre. Please be in sports uniform. Year 5 and 6 squad members will meet Ms Dawson in the Junior School area at the end of the day, and then make their way together to the front of the school. This is our first meet and therefore our first opportunity to record times for the season. It is expected that all swimmers will attend and will swim all events. Please read the COVID-19 restriction below.
AIC Swim Meet at Yeronga Park Pool Complex – Friday 29 January
The Villanova swim squad will travel to the Yeronga Park Pool Complex this Friday 29 January. Bus transportation will depart the College by 3.30pm. Please note that a return bus service will not be available. We ask all parents to collect their sons from the pool by 5.45pm. A full program of events is posted on the College’s website within the sports section under AIC Swimming.
COVID-19 Restriction – Please note that only one parent per swimmer may attend the carnival. The parent must sign in and socially distance.
Junior School Inter-House Swimming Carnival
No parent spectators – unfortunately due to the size of the venue and the number of students and staff present in the pool area, parents will NOT be able to attend this year’s carnival.
The Year 5 boys had their swimming trials yesterday and have been placed into divisions for Friday’s Junior School swimming carnival at Villanova College Pool. The carnival will begin after assembly at approximately 10:00am and the program for the day will closely follow these times:
10.15am: 50m and 25m Freestyle events
12:00pm: 100m Freestyle
12:15pm: Butterfly events
12:45pm: Backstroke events
1:10pm: Breaststroke events
12:15pm: Invitational relay
2.15pm: Relays
2:40pm: Presentations
All students are to wear their academic uniform on Friday and will get changed into their sports uniform and togs before moving over to the pool. Students are to bring with them thongs or other casual shoes to wear from their classroom to the pool as well as sunscreen, sun shirt (optional) hats and a water bottle. The tuckshop will operate as usual for students wishing to buy their lunch.
A number of Year 5 boys were given a letter inviting them to be members of the squad depending on their times from Yesterday. These boys will be required to attend an Invitational College Meet on Friday afternoon at Yeronga from 4.00pm-5.45pm. Times from Wednesday, the Junior School carnival and the invitational meets over the next two weeks, will be used to narrow down the squad in each year level in the Junior School and these boys will continue training as of next Tuesday. There is only five weeks until the championships and the squad members will be required to fine tune their strokes, practise their starts and relay changes under the guidance of our swim coaches.
Lytton District Swimming Trials
The Lytton District swimming trials will be held at Moreton Bay College on Friday 12 February for the Under 10, 11 and 12 Years swimmers. Only two or three boys per event, who meet the qualifying times over the next week, will be given the relevant information regarding these trials. Boys will be nominated based on their times at the Junior School swimming carnival and the Invitational Meet at Yeronga on Friday.
The College needs to send along a parent as an official on the day. If your son is selected and you can assist, can you please contact the Mr Everding in the Sports Office and let him know of your availability. Unfortunately, we cannot release a teacher for these trials and all students must find their own transportation to and from the carnival.
Middle and Senior School Inter-House Swimming Carnivals
Date: Wednesday, 3 February (Week 2)
Venue: Langlands Pool
Time: Middle School – 9.00am-11.30am. Senior School – 12midday-2.30pm
Important notes
- All students are required to wear their sports uniform to and from school on the day of the carnival
- Students are required to bring and wear their hats, sunscreen and have water bottles.
- Students are encouraged to wear the Villa swim togs or jammers
- A canteen will be operational at both carnivals.
Please note that due to capacity and the other two pools being open to the public there will be no parent spectators permitted at the Middle and Senior Swimming Carnivals.
More information will be posted on the website early next week via the ‘Locker Room’.
Well done to Tom Feenstra in Year 11 who was named in the Queensland Baseball Under 16 baseball squad. Due to COVID-19, there were no nationals this year. Each state played an in-house tournament and named their honorary teams. This is a fantastic achievement by Tom, well done!

Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport