Last Friday the College hosted its first Sports Assembly for the year. This assembly provided an opportunity as a College community to publicly acknowledge those who will represent Villanova in AIC AFL, Cricket and Volleyball this season. It was also our chance to present to the College our First volleyball, AFL and cricket teams and captains for 2019.
Well done to the following boys on their appointments this year:
First VI Volleyball Captain 2019 – Matthew Conway
First XI Cricket Captains 2019 – Matt Short
First XVIII AFL Captain 2019 – Isaac Lynch
Assemblies are an opportune time for me to address the boys and speak to them about getting involved, enjoying sport and to reiterate the College’s expectations of all its students regarding sport before the official AIC season begins. Although enjoyment and participation are fundamental to why we play sport at the College, I did mention to the boys that there is one more important factor which ties it all together, and that is pride. School pride encompasses a whole range of ideals which in turn affects our will to do things and to do them well.
The way we wear our uniforms, conduct ourselves at school and in public, the way we play and train, the way we support each other and the attitude we have to want to give our very best among many other things is important to us at Villanova. We ask our boys to strive to be the best they can be in all facets not because they are asked but because they want to because they have a sense of pride in themselves and their school.
Your son’s involvement in the College’s co-curricular program, whether that be sport, music or cultural, can assist him to develop as a person in many ways. Participation in sport can teach those involved about resilience, the importance of teamwork, trust in yourself and others, it can teach you about hard work and determination and outcomes, it is a way we can learn about and experience the euphoria of winning, it teaches us about humility, we learn about losing, sportsmanship, integrity, honour and pride. These elements support a student’s social and emotional development. The development of a student in these areas can’t be achieved through studying a book or gazing at a computer screen. You experience these things by doing.
Like all things in life, its best to achieve a balance. All work and no play can make for a dull boy. All play and no work can make for an unemployed young man.
My simple message is this – I urge students to balance their studies with some co-curricular activities. Getting involved and enjoying these co-curricular activities will help them to develop into a stronger and more balanced person.
I must congratulate everyone who participated in the sports program over the weekend including all swimmers, cricketers, volleyball and AFL players. Overall our results were outstanding. This week we approach Round 2 of competition against Padua College. This will be a big round for all players, so I challenge all boys to ‘step up’ and produce their very best this weekend and show everybody the amount of pride they have in their College by the way they conduct themselves as a competitor and as a member of our College. Best wishes!
Finally, I was happy to receive the photo below from a staff member at AFL Queensland late on Saturday. The lady who sent the image commented on the great sportsmanship displayed by the Villanova student during the match. Well done to Jack Fidge from the Year 5A AFL team. Often times our younger boys serve as the best role models and remind us all about why we play sport and sportsmanship. This image speaks volumes. (P.S. – his team won the game too!)

Round 2 AIC Fixtures – Friday 15 and Saturday 16 February – AIC cricket, AFL and volleyball v Padua College and Swim Meet at Iona
Please refer to the College’s website to view all times and venues for this weekend’s fixtures v Padua. Simply scroll down on the College’s home page to the ‘Latest News’ section and click the ‘Weekly Fixtures’ section.
AIC Cricket
Congratulations to all players, managers and coaches for a great start to the AIC season. The First XI posted an excellent score of 260 runs which in the end was too much for the opposition considering the quality of our bowling attack having the opposition all out for 68 in reply.
Villanova won all games against St Edmund’s in the main draw. I ask all players and coaches to put last weekend behind them and refocus on the challenge we face this weekend against Padua College. The opposition will be determined; however, Villanova will be ready and waiting. Our aim is to take out the cricket aggregate this year and we believe we have the quality of teams to achieve our goal. All teams must produce their best each week, good luck and best wishes to all!
Photo below – the First XI cricket team enjoying lunch between the break of play with St Edmund’s at Villanova Park.

Villanova College – Cricket Results – Round 1 v SEC
Opposition |
Result |
Villanova |
Opposition |
First XI |
W |
5-260 |
68 |
Second XI |
Villa 10A |
Internal |
– |
– |
Third XI |
Villanova Fifth Gold |
Internal |
– |
– |
Fourth XI |
Ashgrove Sixth |
W |
9-152 |
92 |
Fifth XI Gold |
Villanova Third |
Internal |
– |
– |
Fifth XI White |
Ashgrove Fourth |
L |
8/76 |
2/206 |
10A |
Villanova Second |
Internal |
– |
– |
10B |
W |
5-205 |
96 |
10C |
Ashgrove |
W |
8/137 |
97 |
9A |
W |
2-67 |
64 |
9B |
Internal |
– |
– |
9C |
Ashgrove 9D |
W |
131 |
68 |
9 Gold |
SLC Gold |
W |
7/86 |
7/76 |
9 White |
Ash E |
L |
2-92 |
5-100 |
8A |
W |
3-44 |
42 |
8B |
W |
216 |
29 |
8C |
Ashgrove E |
W |
3/93 |
9/54 |
8 Gold |
Ashgrove Gold |
3-95 (16) |
5-124(20) |
8 White |
SLC Gold |
W |
1/81 |
7/41 |
8 Green |
Ashgrove F |
L |
7/98 |
5/128 |
7A |
W |
3/200 |
33 |
7B |
W |
129 |
34 |
7C |
Ashgrove |
W |
5-92 |
8-66 |
7 Gold |
Padua White |
L |
7-72 |
4-103 |
7 White |
Ashgrove Blue |
L |
66 |
67 |
6A |
W |
4-194 |
2-139 |
6B |
L |
9-87 |
6-170 |
6C |
L |
5-145 |
5-148 |
6 Gold |
Ashgrove White |
L |
1/67 |
6/98 |
6 White |
SLC Gold |
L |
91 |
7/163 |
5 A |
L |
9-111 |
6-197 |
5 B |
L |
118 |
5/144 |
5C |
W |
1-112 |
8-63 |
5 Gold |
L |
5-34 |
3-100 |
5 White |
Ash White |
L |
105 |
119 |
5 Green |
SLC White |
W |
7/128 |
4/83 |
AIC Swimming – Mrs Juanita Jacobs, AIC Swimming Co-ordinator
Last Friday evening was the first of our away meets in preparation for the AIC Championships. There was a reasonable turn out of younger swimmers, despite the Year 5s missing in action due to camp. A special mention goes to Paxton Tucker and Taj Blackshaw, who both attended and swam five events on the night. Well done boys. The team rocked it home on the disco bus to tunes of Ancient Words, Taylor Swift and Darryl Braithwaite among others. It was a fun way to end the evening and to build team spirit.
The number of senior swimmers who were not able to swim on Friday was disappointing. When there is a clash with the AFL competition, it does make it difficult for the boys. I would like boys who have this clash to speak to Mr Stariha and discuss options. We do need times on the board so that we can put together the best possible team on the day of the competition.
Tomorrow evening we will be swimming at Iona. The bus will leave from the front of the College at 3.10pm. There will be no return bus from Iona, so parents are asked to ensure that they are at Iona by 5.45pm to collect their sons. Teachers will not be able to transport students back to school.
I have had a few requests for information about the squad shirt. It is not available for purchase through Flexischools as it is a specialised item. Only boys whose name is on the squad list are eligible to purchase the shirt. If your son has been attending training and the Friday night meets, then he is part of the squad and must have one of these shirts as soon as possible. Please contact the Villanova College Uniform Shop about the best way to purchase.
Training continues this week as usual, with the boys building in intensity toward March. With less than one month left until the day of the competition, it is imperative that the boys are swimming in as many training sessions as possible and competing at carnivals. Please email me if there are any concerns about attendance.
Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to assist with the Friday morning breakfasts. They are very popular, and the boys are most grateful to everyone for preparing it for them.
AIC Swim Meet at Iona College
Date: Friday, 15 February – Iona Invitational Meet
Venue: Iona College Pool, North Road entrance
Time: Warm-up – 4.00pm; Start 4.30pm – 6.00pm
Bus: Depart Villanova College at 3.10pm (students to be collected from Iona College at 5.45pm)
A full program can be found in the AIC Swimming section of the College website. Parents are encouraged to attend and assist with timekeeping.
Date Claimer: An AIC swim meet will be held at Chandler next Thursday 21 February after school, with more details to follow. Villanova will provide a bus service to this event and all swimmers are required to attend this meet. Attendance at this meet will take precedence over all other training.
Note: If you are not able to attend the Friday carnival for any reason please contact myself or the relevant swim manager. Email –
Friday Breakfast – Our famous Friday morning breakfasts have started again for the remainder of the season. If your son trains on a Friday morning, they are welcome to join us at the Villanova College pool after training for a hot breakfast before school. Please ensure your son returns his form (available on the website) and money to the Sports Office this week.
2019 Senior, Middle and Junior School Inter-House Swimming Carnival
Last Wednesday, Villanova College held its annual Middle and Senior School Inter-house swimming carnivals at Langland Pool, while the Junior School held theirs on the first Friday of Term 1 at the Villanova College Pool. On both days, the carnivals were divided into two events, the championship and house events. The championship events were keenly contested by members of our swimming squads. Inter-house rivalry was at its highest point during the King of the Pool events, with large participation rates from all year groups, trying to increase their overall house position.
Congratulations must go to the Murray House for an outstanding victory in the Junior School. Well done to Crane on their victory in the Middle School and to Heavey House in the Senior School Carnivals. Overall Heavey House were crowned Whole School House Swim Champions for 2019 – well done! Congratulations to Caden Clelland who took out the King of the Pool event for Middle School and Andrew Vick who took out the King of the Pool event for Senior School.
Junior School Results |
Middle School Results |
Senior School Results |
Murray |
1050 |
Crane |
422 |
Heavey |
456 |
Heavey |
991 |
Heavey |
389 |
Crane |
429 |
Goold |
841 |
Goold |
388 |
Goold |
359 |
Crane |
834 |
Murray |
379 |
Murray |
313 |
2019 Whole College Results
First: 1836
Second: 1742
Third: 1685
Fourth: 1588
AIC Volleyball – Ms Barbara Dewis, AIC Volleyball Co-ordinator
Last week saw the AIC volleyball competition begin with many players showing the benefits of the two-day volleyball camp held during the Christmas break. A number of teams gained success over the weekend and I congratulate the coaches and players of these teams. The Firsts have begun their season well with a 3 – 1 result over St Edmund’s.
Two teams travelled from Toowoomba to be worthy opponents for the 11B and 10C teams. Unfortunately, the results were not in favour of Villanova. It was great to observe the hospitality of Villanova in welcoming those teams, well done to all.
As we move into Round 2 players and coaches will need to keep the foot on the throttle to remain competitive against Padua this weekend. These games will again test all Villanova teams to be mentally strong to overcome adversity when the going gets tough.
Volleyball Results – Round 1 v SEC
Team |
Opposition |
Results |
Villanova |
Opposition |
First VI |
W |
3 |
1 |
Second VI |
W |
2 |
1 |
Third VI |
W |
2 |
0 |
11A |
W |
2 |
1 |
11B |
TGS 3rdVI |
L |
1 |
2 |
10A |
W |
2 |
1 |
10B |
W |
2 |
0 |
10C |
TGS 11D |
L |
1 |
2 |
9A |
L |
0 |
3 |
9B |
W |
2 |
1 |
9C |
W |
2 |
1 |
8A |
W |
2 |
1 |
8B |
L |
1 |
2 |
8C |
W |
3 |
0 |
8 Gold |
NC |
W |
2 |
1 |
7A |
L |
1 |
2 |
7B |
L |
0 |
3 |
7C |
W |
2 |
1 |
7 Gold |
NC |
W |
2 |
1 |
AIC AFL – Mr Adam Fry, AIC AFL Co-ordinator
What a way to kick off the footy season. The weekend was truly a fantastic effort from all players especially those Year 5 boys coming back from camp. Villanova have certainly started the season with a bang with seven great wins and one loss. It was fantastic to see all families and players there early to support each other. A special mention to all the Seniors who travelled out on Friday night to support the boys. This support was truly appreciated. Below are results from the weekend’s games.
This weekend in the senior divisions we play Padua College and the juniors will square off against Iona. This is strong competition, so it is important that all players make a strong effort to make training and come ready for some tough games this weekend.
Thank you to all parents who helped out with photography and support on the weekend. If any parent would like to run water for a quarter or two, feel free to see any of the coaches to grab a bib. Once again thank you to all players during Round 1 and I look forward to another great round this weekend.
Villanova College – AFL Results – Round 1 v SEC/ASH
Opposition |
Result |
Villanova |
Opposition |
5A |
Ashgrove |
W |
123 |
0 |
5B |
Ashgrove |
L |
9 |
46 |
6A |
Ashgrove |
W |
60 |
27 |
6B |
Ashgrove |
W |
39 |
27 |
7 |
W |
27 |
12 |
8/9 |
W |
107 |
1 |
10/11/12 |
W |
76 |
20 |
AIC Rugby and Football Season – 2019
All Year 7 – 12 rugby and football training will be conducted at Villanova Park, Manly Road, Tingalpa this season. Buses will transport all players to Villanova Park. Parents are to collect their son/s promptly after training. Year 5 and Year 6 rugby and football training will be conducted at Little Langlands or Whinstanes.
Please be aware that all Year 7 – 12 rugby training plus First XI and Second XI football training will be held on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. All Year 7 – 12 football training will be held on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Year 5 and Year 6 training for both rugby and football will be held at Little Langlands on various mornings and afternoons.
The Sports Office will soon be looking to cement coaching allocations for the season. If you are interested and able to assist the College by coaching or refereeing games throughout the season, please contact the Sports Office immediately –
Sign-on forms will be distributed to all students from Year 5 – 12 next week.
Representative Sport
Parents are invited to email the Sports Office regarding the sporting achievements of their son at a Met East level or higher. These achievements will be noted in this section from week to week.
Congratulations to Josh Smith – Year 11 who was a member of the U16 Australian cricket team that travelled to Dubai over the Christmas break to compete in six matches against Pakistan. This is an outstanding achievement and a fabulous experience for Josh as a cricketer. We are very fortunate to have Josh in our First XI this year. No doubt his experiences at the top level will help our team too. Well done Josh!

Josh Smith commencing his bowling run up for the Australian U16 Cricket Team
Well done to Aiden Lee who recently made the Met East 15 – 19 years cricket team. Aiden will travel to Mackay in mid-March to compete in the state cricket championships. Best wishes Aiden!
Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport