Welcome back to all for what will be another busy term of sport. It is only Week 1 and already we have many sporting opportunities on offer for all students from Year 5 – 12.
AIC tennis, basketball and rugby league training for all teams from Year 5 – 12 has now commenced. Please note that there are ‘Season Schedule’ documents found on the website under the respective AIC tennis, basketball and rugby league sections which contain the complete training schedule, coaches contact details, uniform expectations, home and away schedule, games times and much more for each of those sports. If you are requiring information regarding your respective sport, I believe all answers should be found within these documents.
Some selected teams have already had a trial against Ashgrove on Tuesday afternoon. A full set of Year 5 – 12 trials will be held this weekend against Padua College for all teams.
Rugby league training is now in full swing. All teams will train at Little Langlands throughout the season. Again, all training times and venues are posted in the respective sport section within the College’s website.
Weekly Team List
The College has moved to a permanent place to post the weekly team lists. We cannot post these lists in the ‘Locker Room’ as we have done in the past as this has caused privacy issues. The lists are posted in the Parent Lounge and Student Café portals as these places are password protected. Please read the section below regarding accessing these documents. This system is designed for easy access for those parents using the College App.
The AIC Track & Field program will commence in Week 6 of this term – please be on the lookout for further details via next week’s Villa View and over the coming weeks.
In my opinion, to boost or better a school’s sports program we must firstly look at ‘school spirit’. I feel fortunate to be involved in a community where many people often exhibit enormous amounts of school spirit. Our boys show spirit through participation, enjoyment and support of their mates and the College. I ask parents to assist the College in its quest to further develop school spirit by strongly encouraging your boy/s to get involved and to support others when asked.
Over the coming weeks, I will be personally asking some of our talented student athletes to join the AIC Track & Field training program. There is no doubt that our College community gives greatly to each of its students. From time to time, I believe, it is a fair request that the College asks something in return. If a student is good enough and talented enough to represent his college – then he should. It would be a great shame to see our best athletes, musicians or perhaps academic students not use their gifts to benefit the College and to better themselves. We understand the need for a balanced education, and we do not want to over-burden our students, but we want Villanova’s best to shine. If there are issues surrounding a student’s workload which impedes him from participating, please contact the Sports Office. The Sports Office is reasonable in its approach when working with families and students to produce solutions and alternative programs which are beneficial for all. Again, I urge all students and parents to support this process. If you have a gift, please use it to benefit others.
This weekend we have basketball, rugby league and tennis trials against Padua College. This will be a further opportunity for coaches to assess players and adjust teams. I would expect some movement of players between teams in readiness for next weekend’s Round 1 fixture against Iona College. Coaches are instructed to choose their teams each week based on attendance, player performance and attitude.
As always, I urge all students to get involved in the sports program and enjoy the challenges you face along the way. Enjoy the term ahead boys!
AIC Tennis, Rugby League and Basketball Trial Round v Padua College, Friday 15 and Saturday 16 July – Times and Venues
All Year 5 and Year 6 basketball games are played on Friday afternoons. Note – the College will supply bus transportation to the playing venue each Friday afternoon for all Year 5 and Year 6 teams. Parents must collect their sons from the venue promptly after the game. All Year 7 – 12 basketball and Year 5 -12 tennis and rugby league games are played on Saturday. Please go to the College’s website to view all times and venues for this weekend’s fixtures against Padua College.
AIC Tennis, Rugby League and Basketball Teams
All internal AIC tennis, rugby league and basketball trials are complete and are posted within the Teacher Kiosk and Student Café sections. We hope to re-publish all teams on the web by Thursday of each week. Please note that these teams may change throughout the season depending upon player performance, attendance at training and attitude. In fact, we expect further changes to teams after we play the trials against Padua this weekend. These trials will assist our coaches to finalise their teams before Round 1.
All information regarding the season schedule for tennis, rugby league and basketball is posted on the College’s webpage including bus arrangements for those teams training at Morningside Tennis Centre and Clem Jones Basketball Centre before school. It is only the team lists (and the weekly fixture schedule) which from now on will be placed within the Parent Lounge and Student Café portals. See instruction below for access
Team Lists – Published in the Parent Lounge and Student Café Portals
All weekly Team Lists, can be accessed via the College App. Simply go to the Villanova College App, click the ‘Sports’ tile. From here select ‘Team Lists and Weekly Schedule’ from the options given. Please note that you will be required to enter your Parent Lounge username and password initially. The system will remember this password on subsequent logins.
The College will send an App alert when these documents are updated weekly.
Students may access the team lists via their Student Café portal. They simply log in as usual and select the ‘Links’ button on the top toolbar of the home page. A drop-down box will appear. The boys then select the ‘Team Lists and Weekly Schedule’ button. This will reveal the team lists and weekly schedule documents which will be updated and reposted each week.
The College no longer publishes the team lists on the web via the ‘Locker Room’ due to privacy issues. Please note that the ‘Locker Room’ will still be the main place where all sports information is given, including the weekly schedule which will now be published in the Parent Lounge next to the team lists for your convenience.
AIC Tennis, Rugby League and Basketball Uniform
Any student who represents the College in AIC tennis, rugby league and basketball must wear the full and correct College uniform. Students who are not dressed correctly will not be permitted to take to the court or field. Uniform standards will be kept and maintained at a high level. The College requires the support of the parent body to ensure these standards are met.
By today all players should have collected their Villanova rugby league jersey or Villanova basketball singlet for hire from the uniform shop in readiness for the trials this weekend (Year 5 and Year 6 boys were given theirs by Mr Everding). Basketball and rugby league players must also wear the correct shorts from the Uniform Shop.
Please note that the College has introduced a new line of sports uniforms which are different from previous years. The rugby league and basketball jerseys/singlets are ‘for hire’ only and must be collected from the Uniform Shop as per times posted in the ‘Locker Room’ page on the College’s website.
Tennis Uniform
- Villanova PE shorts
- NEW Villanova squad shirt (Please note – this is not the Villanova PE shirt. The ‘squad shirt’ is the same shirt worn by all cross country, swimming and track & field squad members)
- NEW Villanova sports socks
- NEW Villanova sports cap (green)
Rugby League Uniform
- Villanova league shorts (same as the rugby union shorts – plain green)
- Villanova rugby socks (same as rugby union and football socks)
- NEW Villanova rugby league jersey. This jersey is for hire and will be made available through the College Uniform Shop. These jerseys should have already been collected by Year 7 – 12 students. Mr Everding has distributed all Year 5 and Year 6 jerseys. The hire cost is $22 for the season and will be charged to your son’s next school fees account.
Basketball Uniform
- Villanova PE shorts or the NEW Villanova basketball shorts (these are both plain green in colour)
- Villanova sports socks
- Villanova basketball singlet. This singlet is for hire and will be made available through the College Uniform Shop. These singlets should have been collected by the Year7-12 students already. Mr Everding has distributed all Year 5 and Year 6 singlets. The hire cost is $22 for the season and will be charged to your son’s next school fees account.
AIC Basketball – Mr Sean O’Neill, AIC Basketball Coordinator
The Villanova basketball program had an excellent trial week with numbers across all year levels being extremely high. It was a difficult decision for the coaches to make and it was so pleasing to see how professional and diligent they were in the selection process. For those students that missed selection this year, please continue to work on your skills. Avenues such as the Basketball Academy on a Sunday, basketball camps or playing club at your local organisation will continue to strengthen your game.
Training began this week and A and B teams have the opportunity to trial twice this week. This should help prepare our teams in the best possible way before Round 1 against Iona next Saturday. I ask that all players give their all at training and be listening to their coaches to ensure we are all ready to go.
The 1st V basketball team travelled to Sydney on the holiday break to play St Augustine’s. We came away with an 83 – 68 win and was the first time we were able to beat them since 2004. This was a great achievement, and the entire squad should be congratulated for the hard work they have completed during the preseason. They are certainly looking ready for next weekend, and I would encourage all members of the Villanova community to come along and support the team and watch a fast, energetic and fun brand of basketball.
Good luck for the season ahead to all members of the Villanova College basketball program.
AIC Rugby League – Mr Blake McLauchlan, AIC Rugby League Coordinator
AIC rugby League has continued to gain an enormous amount of momentum since the inaugural 2019 trial year. Many of our boys display a real talent for the game and with rugby league affirming its place on the AIC calendar, several boys have now gone on to play club rugby league. Having boys signing up for club not only helps our students continue to develop the fundamentals of the game, but also helps with strengthening the level of competition within AIC across the Colleges.
We are incredibly lucky to have many experienced new and returning coaches on board for this year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our coaches for their time and effort so far in developing and getting the best out of our boys during the trials at the end of Term Two. It was an exceedingly difficult task to select 20 players over the three trial sessions and I commend our coaches for their hard work, dedication and time in having to make difficult selection decisions.
The 1st XIII squad trialled against St James College at the end of Term Two. Although it was only a trial, it was pleasing to see our boys put on a credible performance against a division three confraternity side. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Year 10 coach, Mr Andrew Ebrington for giving us the opportunity to trial against his St James College team. The trial match gave our coaches a great opportunity to assess players in different positions in defence and attack as many of our players made the quick transition from rugby union to rugby league.
This Saturday, all teams will trial against Padua College and Iona College in their first rugby league game of the 2022 season. Most teams will be participating in a 3-way trial. Please check the draw posted on the website for the time and the field that our teams have been allocated to. Please allow enough travel time to ensure you arrive at Padua College playing fields at least 30 minutes before your scheduled kick off time unless you have been told to arrive earlier by your coach.
I wish all teams the best of luck for the trials this weekend.
AIC Rugby Union and Football
The Sports Office is looking to finalise the return of all rugby and football kit bags and equipment. We ask all coaches who still have the kits at home or in the boot of their car to please return them to the Sports Office as soon as possible.
Ben Mowen and Andrew Slack Squad
We hope to publish the 2023 Ben Mowen and Andrew Slack squads within the next 4 – 6 weeks. Those who accept invitation are required to participate in the College’s Track & Field program if asked.
AIC Track and Field Training
AIC Track & Field training officially commences the week beginning Monday 15 August, which is the week after Ekka week. This year all students from Year 5 – 12 will train on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon at Villanova Park. A bus will transport all athletes to and from each training session. We hope to commence training at 3.45pm and conclude by 5.15pm. The bus should return to the College around 5.40pm.
The coaches will cover all track and field disciplines across all age groups at these sessions. Training as a Year 5 – 12 squad will increase team spirit and ensure our athletes are able to attend the various sessions we have on offer.
A full program will be available on the College’s website within the next three – four weeks.
St. Augustine’s College Tour- Captains Reports
During the first week of the Term 2 holidays, the Senior A Debating team was given the opportunity to venture into St Augustine’s territory down in Sydney to reclaim the disputed Fr Peter Wieneke Shield. Arriving on the Monday alongside the first rugby, soccer and basketball teams, debating was the first of many sports to be played with a tough opposition having claimed the trophy back in 2019. The topic was “social media is detrimental to society” with Villanova having to argue against the topic. This proved to be a challenging but rewarding fight with Villanova being declared the winners of the debate. The crowd was incredible and created an atmosphere filled with laughs and was a true testament of the brotherhood between the two schools.
Following each day, we stayed with a billeting family who all were extraordinarily nice and made the little time away from Brisbane feel like home. Serving up delicious food and even providing lunch the following days, it really felt like a home away from home. On the final evening, all the different sporting teams from both schools celebrated with an awards ceremony and a final feast together with Tiarnan McNulty being awarded best speaker for Villanova. As a whole, the experience is certainly one of the most memorable highlights of our schooling journey travelling with all of our mates, experiencing another school and household environment whilst creating lasting memories for years to come.
Alessandro Porreca- Debating Captain

To start the Term 2 holidays Villa took the first debating, basketball, rugby and Football on the annual St Augustine’s tour down in Sydney. Located in Brookvale, on the Northern beaches of Sydney, the St Augustine’s families welcomed us into their homes for two nights. After the commencement of day one, both schools had won a game each, Villa taking the debating and St Augustine’s narrowly winning the rugby. After convincingly winning the basketball on Day 2, football was the last game of the tour. Going into the game we were missing two key forwards, Zac Vedelago and Ben Hermiston so changes to both the formation and the starting line-up were made. Dubbed the “Home of Football” on the Northern Beaches, we were lucky enough to get to play at the newly renovated Comer park.
To say the least we started the game very poorly, conceding three goals in the first 15 minutes. However due to thunder and lightning the game was put off for half an hour which no doubt changed the dynamic of the game. Once the half an hour waiting period was over the boys put in a solid effort scoring two goals in the second half, however it was not enough in the end as the final result read 3 – 2 to St Augustine’s. Although we did not get the result we wanted in the end, it was an overall great experience for all the lads, and we thank all the staff, coaches and billeting families for making this tour possible.
Angus Nicholson- Football Captain

These holidays the rugby, chess, football and debating boys went down to Sydney to participate in the annual Villanova St Augustine’s friendly rivalry. Over three days and two nights the two schools competed against each other in thrilling matchups that did not fail to entertain. Under lights at Manly Oval, our Rugby men competed against harsh competition that made for an excellent watch. With hard runs and massive line breaks from both teams, the game was in close quarters for either side. Unfortunately, St Augustine’s came away with the win, 14 – 10. Nonetheless, the game was hard fought, and our men put their best foot forward. This will be a treasured memory for all players.
Throughout the trip, all players were billeted with assigned families of their respective sports. Their hospitality and kindness allowed for a warm and welcomed trip that brightened the experience. After all sports were completed, both schools combined to present one another the trophies and give thanks to the staff and brother school. The players also were able to explore the sights of Manly Corso and Sydney Harbour to finish off our time down south. With great thanks to the staff and families who accommodated the students, the 2022 St Augustine’s College tour made for a great time.
George Binney- Rugby Captain

The SAC tour of 2022 was an enjoyable experience for all involved. After the commencement of Day 1 both schools had one win each with Villanova winning in the debating and St Augustine’s in the rugby. Basketball was the next event and in a tightly packed Brimson centre the game lived up to its hype. Villanova started strong by busting out to a double-digit lead during the second quarter. The crowd became involved as Villanova’s new addition, Amarco Doyle, started throwing down some huge dunks with Mason Honeyman knocking down some big 3’s. Just as quickly as the lead stretched out however, St Augustine’s brought it back to under 10 points going into the fourth quarter, setting up an epic final quarter. Villanova’s reliable defence and solid offence proved to be the difference in the end as Villanova beat St Augustine’s with an end score of 88 – 63. Villanova’s 1stt V game vs St Augustine’s was just a taste of what is expected to come in the AIC season on the quest to bring back the 1st V premiership for two years running.
Joseph Wilson- Basketball Captain

Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport