Director of Sport Address
Although holidays are a time for rest and recouperation, Villa Sport continued its momentum into Trimester 3. It was a privilege to join our students in Sydney on the St Augustine’s College Tour and in Townsville on the Confraternity Rugby League Tour over the break. As always, our boys competed well on the courts and fields, but what was most impressive was their exemplary behaviour away from the sporting venues. The College has received a number of positive, affirming messages from members of the public with regards to our students and their behaviour and manners. Well done to all our fine young men who represented their College with such pride over the holidays.
We now transition in Trimester 3 Sport with selection sessions and trial matches in Basketball, Rugby League and Tennis in Week 1. Round 1 for these Sports is just around the corner on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 July versus Marist College Ashgrove. AIC Golf is also on the horizon with the championships on 29 July and Track & Field training commences in Week 4.
Due to venue availability and limitations to the number of teams we are able to nominate in Trimester 3 Sports, there will be students who miss out on playing the Sport they love. This is unfortunate, and in many ways, unavoidable. Villanova College has listened to the feedback of our community over the past 18 months and we will be implementing an alternative Sport option for students who are unsuccessful in making AIC teams in Term 3 2024. The ‘Colours Cup’ internal Basketball competition will be offered to these students should they wish to participate. Information will be distributed once AIC teams are finalised next week.
Sports Club
The next meeting for the Villanova College Sports Club is this Monday 15 July from 6-7pm, Level 3 in the St Thomas of Villanova building. All welcome.
AIC Sport Results – Associated Independent Colleges
Trimester 3 Sport Sign-Ons
Registrations for Trimester 3 Sports, Basketball, Rugby League, Tennis and Track & Field are now closed.
Students still wanting to register for Track & Field just need to visit the Sports Office.
AIC Draw 2024
Please find attached the AIC Draw for 2024.
Families are reminded to access all Sport information via the Villanova College website and the Villanova College App. The Locker Room Overview page provides updated information regarding training schedules and current AIC/trial draws.
Training Schedules
The Term 3 Training Schedule is now available on The Locker Room Overview page of the Villanova College website.
Save the dates – Sporting Tours, Camps and Clinics
- Christmas holidays 2024/2025 – Cricket Oblate Tour to Perth, Volleyball AVSC Tournament Gold Coast & Swim Camp at Tallebudgera.
- ** International Tour ** – Football & Rugby Tour to Japan – Easter 2025.
- ** International Tour ** – Basketball & Volleyball Tour to USA – Christmas holidays 2025/2026.
AIC First Team Presentation assembly
This coming Tuesday 16 July, we will acknowledge the selected students who will represent Villanova’s First teams throughout the AIC Season in Basketball, Golf, Rugby League and Tennis. Teams will be finalised this weekend after the final trial matches are conducted on Saturday.
Parents of these students will be invited to attend however this notification will only be released on Monday 15 July. For those unable to attend, the assembly will be available via live stream with a link published on the College app.
Sport Uniforms
Families are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the Villanova College Uniform Look Book. This information is found on the College website Uniform Shop page. Opening hours for the Uniform Shop can also be found here. All students selected in AIC teams are expected to wear the correct uniform for AIC fixtures each week.
For those students participating in Trimester 3 Sports – please see correct uniforms below.

Sport Contact List
If you are requiring information about a specific Sport, in the first instance, visit the website Locker Room page. If you need further clarification, please contact the relevant Coordinator below. For any training or game absences, please contact your Sport Coordinator.
Director of Sport – Shaun McLean,
AIC AFL Coordinator – Matt Conlan,
AIC Cricket Coordinator – Chris Everding,
AIC Swimming Coordinator – Juanita Jacobs,
AIC Volleyball Coordinator – Todd Kropp,
AIC Cross-Country Coordinator – Brian Pascoe –
AIC Chess Coordinator – Kath Underhill,
AIC Football Coordinator – Nathan Dufty,
AIC Rugby Union Coordinator – Chris Everding,
AIC Golf Coordinator – Todd Kropp,
AIC Basketball Coordinator – Jordan Mullan,
AIC Rugby League Coordinator – Alex Russell,
AIC Tennis Coordinator – Nathan Dufty,
AIC Track & Field Coordinator – Anthony Kemp,
AIC Water Polo Coordinator – Juanita Jacobs,
Composite District Sport – Todd Kropp,
Lytton District Sport – Chris Everding,
Wet weather cancellations
If there is any reason to cancel training sessions or weekend games, this information will be posted to the Villa App in the Notices section or emailed to the specific students and their parents. Please ensure you have downloaded the Villa App and updated your preferences and settings.
The Villa Sports Department will endeavour to cancel morning training sessions by 6am and afternoon training sessions by 1pm. If a training session is cancelled, boys are not able to be dropped off to the training venue as there will not be supervision present. Please check the Villa App and your emails regularly for these notifications.
If any AIC fixtures are cancelled, we will follow the same procedure above. Timing will be dependent on when that information becomes available.
Mr Shaun McLean, Director of Sport
St Augustine’s College Tour
A Brotherhood. That’s what comes to mind when I think of the St Augustine’s tour. In the first week of the holidays sixty boys had the opportunity to go on the St Augustine’s tour down in Sydney. Over the three days spent in Sydney with the Auggies boys we travelled around wider Sydney, played sport and spent time with our billets and their families.
Debating started off Day 1 with the Auggies side just edging out the victory over what was otherwise an extremely close debate. After the debating the Boys walked around the town seeing the sights while the Leadership team sat and met with St Augustine leaders. Much was discussed and moving forward we are looking to build a stronger relationship between the two schools not just on the sports field but in student life, music, fundraising and much more. Day 1 ended with the Basketball boys settling the series at 1-1 and putting a stamp on a dominant victory.
On Day 2 the boys took on Manly beach with the morning being spent checking out the water and some of the local coffee shops. The soccer boys got the ball rolling with sport with a couple electric goals from Jordan and the lads but unfortunately going down in an exciting game of football. The rugby boys had the final game of the series, this game was a bit more special as we had the opportunity to run out and play at Brookvale Oval. It was the experience of a lifetime and although we didn’t get up, I’m sure it’ll be a memory that’s remembered for years to come.
But what I think was the most important part of the trip wasn’t the score line, it wasn’t the series, it wasn’t even going to Sydney. The most important part of the tour was seeing the real-life connection that is held between our two schools. It’s funny how one minute we are strangers to our billets and the next minute were getting in their cars to go back to their houses. All the boys were grateful for the hospitality shown and the fact that the billets and their families opened their doors to us and gave us a place to stay and fed us. From personal experience Ollie C and I stayed with the second row for Auggies, we spent hours at his kitchen table talking with him and his family about life in Brisbane, footy, and more.
Boys, if you have the opportunity to take part on a tour like Auggies then do it. It’s a great experience. I would like to take this time to thank Mr McLean and the sports office for organising this trip down to Sydney, without them none of this would be possible, I’d also like to thank all the staff that gave up their time to come down Sydney with us.

Tiernan O’Neill, College Captain
Confraternity Rugby League Carnival 2024
On 22 June, Villanova rugby league players flew to Townsville to represent the College in the Confraternity Carnival hosted by Ignatius Park College. Over 1200 players across 52 teams participated throughout the week and the Villa boy’s performance on and off the field was nothing short of success.
The team started with a bang scoring on the third play of our first game through Lachie E’s speed down the wing. Jackson C proceeded to take matters into his own hands by scoring four tries. On day 2 Mr Navarro liked to remind us of his favourite saying, “It never rains in Townsville.” In wet weather footy the boys faced some adversity but showed heart to bounce back through courageous efforts from Nate W and Hudson B. I’d also like to mention Bailey S who received a nasty hit from an offside opposition player. Bailey showed true grit of a Villanovan to get back up when I was almost certain he may not.
On day four, Sam B quickly established himself as an enforcer and as players chose to run around him, they ran straight into a deadly Sean K. The boys had made it into their second straight bowl grand final in a row. Early tries from Seth W and Ned G along with a fancy finish from Harry I steered the team in a positive direction. While the tries kept flowing it’s no doubt that Josh H’s runs from the back fence led the boys all the way home to victory. A comfortable 60 – 4 win.
I give full credit the boys for their display of Confraternity spirit and sportsmanship throughout the week. Off the field the actions of the boys did not go unnoticed with members of the public leaving positive comments. Firstly I’d like to thank Mr McLauchlan and Mr McLean for their organisation and management of the trip, it wouldn’t have been possible without them. Thank you to Bridie for keeping the boys healthy as there were no major injuries throughout the week. Thank you to Mr Navarro for your wisdom and jokes. Thanks to Stu Harland for running the water, the boys were lucky to have you there. Lastly, I’d like to thank coach Mike for making the week one to remember. I definitely recommend Confro to any Villa boys who might be interested in the future as it is a great way to create memories with mates.

Roman Dunne, Confraternity Co-Captain
- Finalised team lists will be available on Parent Lounge by 5pm Sunday 14 July.
- Please check the Locker Room Overview page and Parent Lounge for fixture information and team lists. Teams may change throughout the season so please check this information weekly.
- If your son/s are unavailable for training or matches, please contact your team coach/s or Mr Mullan (Basketball Coordinator) via email
- Only students in the correct uniform will be permitted to play in matches each week. The Basketball uniform is found above.
- This coming Tuesday (16 July) will be parent/teacher conferences. Training for teams on Tuesday afternoon will be optional. Students are encouraged to attend their conference if required.
Mr Jordan Mullan, Basketball Coordinator
Rugby League
A big thank you to families for the time put in during the AIC trial process. With teams almost confirmed, we look to the trial match this coming Saturday.
Can I please remind families of the following:
- Please check the Locker Room page and Parent Lounge for fixture information and team lists. Teams may change throughout the season so please check this information weekly.
- If your son/s are unavailable for training or matches, please contact your team coach/s or Mr Russell (Rugby League Coordinator) via email:
- Only students in the correct uniform will be permitted to play in matches each week. The Rugby League uniform is found above.
- This coming Tuesday (16 July) will be parent/teacher conferences. Training for teams on Tuesday afternoon will be optional. Students are encouraged to attend their conference if required.
- Finally, we are still looking for assistance as touch judges throughout the season, if any parents or students are available to assist, please contact Mr Russell ( There is a very short online course (20 minutes) required.
All the best to our teams as they hit the field for their first time in 2024, and a special congratulations to our Year 5 students who will hit the field for their first ever AIC Rugby League match.
Mr Alex Russell, Rugby League Coordinator
Whilst it has been a cold and early start to AIC Tennis for 2024, this hasn’t stopped our student’s enthusiasm to return to the court for the 2024 season. Our trials began during Week 9 of Term 2 where students from Year 5 – 12 took to the courts at Morningside Tennis Centre ahead of the season. We also had our First Tennis Squad begin early in Term 2 in preparation for another successful First Tennis campaign.
Whilst we are working hard to finalise the team lists for this week, can we please remind our Tennis community of the full College trial v SPLC on Saturday 15 July. A friendly reminder to our parents to check the weekly fixture information posted via Parent lounge and the Locker Room page.
Each week we will select 4 students to represent our A and B teams, respectively. For any students who don’t make the A and B teams, although you may have some individual disappointment – I strongly encourage that you continue to train every week with your year groups, this allows you to gain valuable coaching whilst continuing to develop your skill set. The team managers will select the teams each week based on performance, attitude, and training attendance.
AIC Tennis Uniform
- HPE Shorts
- Villanova Squad Shirt
- Black training sport socks
- Villanova Cap (optional)
Bring on the Tennis season.
Mr Nathan Dufty, Tennis Coordinator
Villa Tennis Championships
The 2024 Villa Tennis Championships will be held at Morningside Tennis Centre on Sunday 21 July. See flyer attached. More information will be distributed to registered Tennis families soon.
Villa Tennis Championships – 21 July 2024 – Enter here
Track & Field
Track & Field training commences in Week 4 from Monday 29 July. The season schedule will be available on the website from next week.
Strength & Conditioning
Strength & Conditioning continues in Term 3. Refer to the Term 3 Training Schedule on the Locker Room Overview page. The gym is available to all students in Years 7-12.
Mr Marco Mastrorocco, Strength & Conditioning Coordinator
Speed & Agility Training Term 3 – Years 5-8 students
Speed & Agility is crucial to most sports. Future Athletics’ Speed & Agility programme is designed to teach students these skills to form a strong base for their chosen sport.
Regardless of the sport, the skills learnt through our Speed & Agility programme will help young athletes and set them up for the future. Sprinting technique, coordination, plyometrics, flexibility, change of direction training and core exercises are some of the skills taught in the sessions. These sessions are conducted in a fun and playful environment focussing on the child and helping them enjoy sports.
This programme is available to all students in Years 5-8. The Term 3 programme will run on Friday mornings, from 7-8am on Whinstanes.
The programme runs for 8 weeks from Friday 19 July to 6 Sep.
Registration is made through payment on Parent Lounge. The event is now active.
Speed & Agility Term 3, 2024 – Flyer
External Achievements
Boris V (Year 8) had another successful Water Polo tour. He represented Queensland in U13 National Development Tournament in Hobart over school holidays. Boris played for QLD Orcas who showcased their exceptional talent and teamwork, dominating with an undefeated record throughout the entire tournament. Truly an outstanding achievement. Well done Boris!

Composite Sport
Nomination paperwork is now available for students wishing to nominate for Composite 13-14 years Futsal trials. Nomination paperwork can be collected from the Sports Office, please note previous representative playing experienced is required.
Villa Sport – humble in victory, gracious in defeat.