Director of Sport Address
Aside from the results, the wins and losses and scores, it is always great to acknowledge statistics that showcase the breadth and depth of sports participation at Villanova College.
In Round 4 alone, across just two days of competition, we saw:
- 31 Basketball teams in action.
- 9 Rugby League teams.
- 15 Tennis teams.
- 501 students participating in AIC Sport.
- 92 coaches.
- 55 AIC Fixtures.
Alongside our AIC participants, we have Track & Field training, Strength & Conditioning, Speed & Agility, Queensland Schools Volleyball and AFL, Composite and Lytton District Sport and many more.
We look forward to Round 5 this weekend versus Padua College. Prior to this, on Thursday 22 August, we have our first AIC Track & Field pre-season meet at QSAC. All athletes across Years 5-12 are encouraged to attend.
Please note our Interhouse Track & Field Carnival for 2024 has been rescheduled to Friday 13 September. More information below.
Draw – Round 5 vs Padua College, 23/24 August
The Round 5 Draw is now available on the Locker Room Overview page.
For all future rounds, the draw will be posted to Locker Room by the Wednesday prior to the round ahead. This is the earliest possible time we can post this information.
Team Lists
Team lists for Round 5 will be posted by Thursday 22 August to Parent Lounge and Student Cafe.
Team lists will be posted by Thursday prior to the round ahead. This is the earliest possible time we can post this information.
Livestream Links
Please note the livestream link for Firsts fixtures in Term 3 – AIC Live Streaming (
Basketball Results – Round 4
Rugby League Results – Round 4
Tennis Results – Round 4
AIC Sport Results – Associated Independent Colleges
Sports Club
The Villanova College Sports Club are looking for volunteers this Saturday 24 August at Goold Hall. Please click on the links below to register your assistance.
Round 5 Basketball – Goold Hall — Signup Sheet | Sat 24 August – Years 10-Open
Interhouse Track & Field Carnival – new date Friday 13 September
With the unfortunate postponement of the Interhouse Track & Field Carnival last week, the Sports Office has confirmed the new date for the carnival will be Friday 13 September at Villa Park.
Please mark this enjoyable day on your calendar and our Heads of School will be in touch with further logistics in the coming days.
Sport Sign-Ons
Students still wanting to register for Track & Field just need to visit the Sports Office or Mr Kemp.
Trimester 1, 2025 registrations will be available soon.
AIC Draw 2024
Please find attached the AIC Draw for 2024.
Families are reminded to access all Sport information via the Villanova College website and the Villanova College App. The Locker Room Overview page provides updated information regarding training schedules and current AIC/trial draws.
Training Schedules
The Term 3 Training Schedule is now available on The Locker Room Overview page of the Villanova College website.
Save the dates – Sporting Tours, Camps and Clinics
- Christmas holidays 2024/2025 – Cricket Oblate Tour to Perth, Volleyball AVSC Tournament Gold Coast and Swim Camp at Tallebudgera.
- ** International Tour ** – Football and Rugby Tour to Japan – Easter 2025. Approved.
- ** International Tour ** – Basketball & Volleyball Tour to USA – Christmas holidays 2025/2026. Pending approval.
Sport Uniforms
Families are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the Villanova College Uniform Look Book. This information is found on the College website Uniform Shop page.
Opening hours for the Uniform Shop can also be found here. All students selected in AIC teams are expected to wear the correct uniform for AIC fixtures each week.
For those students participating in Trimester 3 Sports – please see correct uniforms below. A reminder that all hire jerseys in Basketball and Rugby League, must be returned to the Uniform Shop at the end of the season.
Failure to return these jerseys incurs a significant fee.
Sport Contact List
If you are requiring information about a specific Sport, in the first instance, visit the website Locker Room page. If you need further clarification, please contact the relevant Coordinator below.
For any training or game absences, please contact your Sport Coordinator.
Director of Sport – Shaun McLean,
AIC AFL Coordinator – Matt Conlan,
AIC Cricket Coordinator – Chris Everding,
AIC Swimming Coordinator – Juanita Jacobs,
AIC Volleyball Coordinator – Todd Kropp,
AIC Cross-Country Coordinator – Brian Pascoe –
AIC Chess Coordinator – Kath Underhill,
AIC Football Coordinator – Nathan Dufty,
AIC Rugby Union Coordinator – Chris Everding,
AIC Golf Coordinator – Todd Kropp,
AIC Basketball Coordinator – Jordan Mullan,
AIC Rugby League Coordinator – Alex Russell,
AIC Tennis Coordinator – Nathan Dufty,
AIC Track & Field Coordinator – Anthony Kemp,
AIC Water Polo Coordinator – Juanita Jacobs,
Composite District Sport – Todd Kropp,
Lytton District Sport – Chris Everding,
Wet weather cancellations
If there is any reason to cancel training sessions or weekend games, this information will be posted to the Villa App in the Notices section or emailed to the specific students and their parents.
Please ensure you have downloaded the Villa App and updated your preferences and settings.
The Villa Sports Department will endeavour to cancel morning training sessions by 6am and afternoon training sessions by 1pm. If a training session is cancelled, boys are not able to be dropped off to the training venue as there will not be supervision present. Please check the Villa App and your emails regularly for these notifications.
If any AIC fixtures are cancelled, we will follow the same procedure above. Timing will be dependent on when that information becomes available.
Mr Shaun McLean, Director of Sport

Villa Basketball flexed its muscles in Round 4 with a very successful weekend of fixtures against St Edmund’s College. The First V continued their dominance with a clinical 86-64 victory.
Well done to the following teams who remain undefeated in AIC fixtures this season:
- First V
- 10B, 10C, 10D
- 9C, 9D
- 8B, 8C, 8D
- 7A
- 6C, 6D
- 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D
Following the week off for QCMF, all 31 teams are ready and raring for Round 5 vs Padua College this Friday 23 and Saturday 24 August.
Mr Jordan Mullan, First V Head Coach and Basketball Coordinator
Rugby League

With the AIC bye round, I know students will be keen to get back on the field for Round 5 of AIC this Saturday. As we pass the halfway mark of the season, our Rugby League teams have been building nicely recording another great set of results in Round 4, with all of our teams registering a win on the scoreboard. It was a great display of Rugby League by all our teams but I do wish to mention our Second XIII team who recorded a 16-10 win over the SPLC First team after a loss, with a less than flattering scoreline, in our trial match. Well done to all the boys and coaches Stu and Jamie!
It will be a tough ask for our teams as they take on the powerhouse of Rugby League in AIC, Padua College, this weekend. I encourage all teams to compete with the Villanova Spirit and trust in their training and processes that have been well formed over the past few weeks.
A few reminders for all our Rugby League Families ahead of Round 5
- Please check the team list and fixture information via Parent Lounge
- Only students in full Rugby League uniform will be permitted to play in fixtures this weekend. Development squad items are not correct uniform.
- This weekend games will be played at the Curlew Park (SPC playing fields) for our Year 5-7 teams, and Year 8-Open will be played at the St Edmunds Fields (Tivoli).
Wishing all teams the best of luck for this weekend v Padua.
Mr Alex Russell, Rugby League Coordinator

I would like to congratulate all our Villa tennis players and team managers from our round 4 matches Vs St Edmunds/ATC. We had a great day out overall with only four losses and 12 wins. I did get the opportunity to watch the matches that were played at Ipswich where the Senior teams competed. It was refreshing to see how competitive our players are, and how far they have come from the beginning of the season. I challenge all players to keep working hard for the final three rounds, keep up a positive attitude at training and to not let your teammates down.
I would like to say congratulations to our Year 7 Tennis players and our Year 7 Tennis manager Mr Adam Zanatta (2023 Old Boy). Both teams once again had strong wins and our 7A team is currently undefeated heading into Round 5. This is great reward for them due to the fantastic attitude that they’re consistently showing with strong numbers weekly at training.
This week at training, our First IV players attended training with our Year 5 and 6 students. This was an idea from last season that was initiated by Mrs Maria Mascadri (Junior Tennis Manager) and Mr Justin Musumeci (Firsts Tennis Manager), it’s great to see it continue again for another season with the session being positively driven by our current Firsts Captain Oliver Simmons. The feedback from the session from everyone involved was extremely positive. To have our current older students inspiring the next generation of Junior Tennis players, gives me much confidence on why the overall “Tennis program” will continue to strongly grow in future years. Thank you to everyone that was involved.
After having a freshen up last weekend with no AIC sporting fixtures, we’re ready to go for our matches Vs Padua this Saturday. Our Years 5-8 teams are playing away this weekend, while our Years 9-Opens teams are at home at MTC.
A reminder to all parents to please double check the “weekly draw” that contains the venues and match times. This is located in the “Locker Room” section of the College website.
Good luck to all Villanova sporting teams in your Round 5 matches vs Padua.
Mr Nathan Dufty, Tennis Coordinator
Track & Field
It was unfortunate that due to the weather last week the Interhouse Carnival was postponed. As a result, it is now important for our athletes to be attending training each week and the AIC meets that will take place over the next four weeks. The training sessions and meets are crucial for our coaches to get an idea of how our athletes perform and to assist with team selection for the AIC Championships – therefore we are asking the boys to prioritise their athletics training.
The first two meets in particular will be important for boys to attend as it gives them the best opportunity to post times and distances towards team selection. It might be necessary after these first two meets to reduce the T&F squad to allow coaches to focus on those athletes who will represent Villa at the AIC Championships in October.
Pre-season meet #1 is on Thursday 22 August at the SAF (State Athletics Facility – Kessels Rd Nathan). Please visit the College website Locker Room page for further details.
Junior School students will be bussed at 2:15pm to SAF and will return at 5:15pm. Middle and Senior School students will depart at 3:10pm and a bus will return at the conclusion of the last event and arrive back to the College at approximately 8:15pm.
Parents are welcome to attend and take their son/s home when they have finished their events.
Running spikes
If you have running spikes at home that are no longer needed or your son has grown out of a pair, we are collecting running spikes for athletes to use at Meets, so they are not running in heavy shoes. The spikes will allow many of our athletes, who are training and may not get a run at the AIC championships to have the opportunity to run on tartan and have the correct footwear. All shoes will be kept by the Spots Office and be available for all runners.
Training and Pre-Season Meet #2 will continue in Week 8 according to the schedule below.
Monday – Middle Distance- 6:45am-8:00am Meet at Goold Hall.
Sprints, Hurdles, Jumps and Throws 3:45pm-5:00pm at Villanova Park
Tuesday – Sprints, Hurdles, Jumps and Throws 3:45pm-5:00pm at Villanova Park.
Wednesday – Meet #2 at SAF (State Athletics Facility – Kessels Rd Nathan)
Boys will be bussed to Villa Park after school and a return bus will arrive back at the College around 5:45pm. Parents can pick up their son/s at Villanova Park at the conclusion of training. If they are not collected by 5:10pm at Villa Park, they will be put on the return bus back to the College.
AIC Track & Field Season Schedule 2024
Mr Anthony Kemp, Track & Field Coordinator
Cricket Term Four- Registrations are open
All Villanova cricketers are encouraged to sign on for Villanova in the upcoming Pre-Xmas cricket competition. Our teams will now be graded, and boys will be able to form their teams and play at a higher level in the divisional BEARS cricket competition (Year 7 to 11) and EDJCA (Year 5 and 6). We strongly encourage all our players to please consider signing on for Villanova Cricket Club. Please note that Term 4 Club Cricket is separate to Term 1 AIC Cricket and team selections from Term 4 Cricket have no bearing on team selections for Term 1 AIC Cricket. Registrations are now open, and you can sign on by going to the cricket page on the Villanova Website.
Training will be in the morning during the week for all teams and these sessions will be run by outside coaches. This service is included in the sign on fee. We do need parents to be assistant coaches and run the boys during matches throughout the season.
Cricket Parent helpers needed.
For the College to run an effective Term Four Club Cricket programme, we need the assistance of parents to take over running the logistics. We have been fortunate enough to have several good parents run the Zone Cricket for many years and they have moved on as their boys have graduated from the College. Roles will consist of assistant coaches (coach the team on Saturdays) team managers, year group managers and Bears and EDJCA delegates.
Please email Mr Nathan Dufty,, if you can assist and take on a role for Term 4 club Cricket.
Mr Nathan Dufty, Cricket Coordinator
AIC Touch Football
In Term 4, AIC will again host the Touch Football invitational. Further details are below, currently we are only inviting students in Year 7-11 to register and registrations can be completed via the link on the Locker Room page.
Date: Saturday 19 October 2024
Venue: St Laurence’s College playing fields – Runcorn
Times: TBC on draw release
Water Polo
Carina Leagues Warriors Water-Polo are offering Water-Polo training this term Tuesday/Thursday nights $5 at the door 6.30pm-8pm. It would be a good opportunity for anyone interested in playing or improving skills before Villa Water-Polo in term 4. It’s a great sport for those who can swim but prefer team sports!
Mrs Juanita Jacobs, Water Polo Coordinator
Strength & Conditioning
Strength & Conditioning continues in Term 3. Refer to the Term 3 Training Schedule on the Locker Room Overview page. The gym is available to all students in Years 7-12.
A note that the following groups should be accessing the gym as a mandatory part of their training schedule in Term 3:
- Monday mornings – Year 9 and 10 Rugby League
- Monday and Thursday afternoons – elite Swimmers
- Tuesday mornings – First V Basketball
- Wednesday afternoons – Open Rugby League
- Thursday afternoons – Track & Field
- Friday mornings – Years 9-Open Basketball & Tennis
Term 3 Training Schedule – including S&C
Mr Marco Mastrorocco, Strength & Conditioning Coordinator
Speed & Agility Training Term 3 – Years 5-8 students
The Term 3 Speed & Agility Programme has now closed. Details relating to the Term 4 programme will be available soon.
Met East/Composite Sport
Nomination paperwork for 13-15 Years Cricket is now available from the Sports Office. Completed paperwork is due back to the Sports Office no later than Wednesday 28 August.
External Achievements
A big congratulations to Year 12 student, Oscar Tanks, who recently represented the U17 QLD AFL team who travelled to Melbourne to take on Victoria Metro. Not only did QLD record a historic win on away turf, but Oscar also kicked one goal in the 20-point victory. Well done, Oscar! We look forward to following your journey.

Congratulations to Henry W (Year 11) representing Pacific Golf Club in the final round of the Pennants Golf this weekend. Henry won his game on the 18th hole, finishing 1 up. Henry played Juniors as the Number 2. Henry was also our Number 1 player at the 2024 AIC Golf Championships. Well done Henry!

Villa Sport – humble in victory, gracious in defeat.