Director of Sport Address
Over the holiday break, we had many outstanding individual and team performances across a variety of sports.
Congratulations to Jackson Moloney (Year 12) who represented the Australian Schoolboys Rugby Union team in their successful campaign versus Tonga and the Australian Barbarians.
Following an outstanding AIC season, congratulations to our AIC Champion First V team who placed seventh at the Queensland Basketball Schools tournament on the Gold Coast.
A special congratulations to our Villanova Volleyball players and staff members who recently attended the Australian Junior Volleyball Championships in Bendigo, Victoria. Our very own Sports Office member and First VI Head Coach Mr Todd Kropp was awarded the very prestigious 2023 Queensland State Coach of the Year Award.
The focus for Week 1, Term 4 is our AIC Track & Field Championships on Thursday 5 and Friday 6 October.
We wish our team of 140 athletes well and celebrate the leaders within the programme.
It is my great honour to announce our AIC Track & Field Captains for 2023:
- Captain of Track & Field – Hugo Harrison
- Senior School Captain – Liam Gyetvay
- Middle School Captain – Oliver Logan
- Junior School Captain – Darcy Dickinson
Following the Track & Field Championships, training and trials will commence for Term 1, 2024 Sports. See below some dates to remember:
Term 4, 2023:
- Week 2:
- Pre-season training for Swimming commences – Swimming registration and information letter now available on the website Locker Room page.
- Pre-season training for Firsts Squads and Development squads in AFL, Cricket, Volleyball, Football and Rugby Union commences.
- Strength & Conditioning and Speed & Agility sessions commence.
- Week 4 – AIC Cricket selection trials commence (all year levels)
- Week 5 – AIC AFL and Volleyball selection trials commence (all year levels)
- Week 6 – Pre-season games vs Iona College
- Week 7 – Pre-season games vs St Laurence’s College
As we prepare for another year, we ask all students to register for Term 1, 2024 Sports. Students are required to click on the registration link below and complete all details by Wednesday 11 October.
AIC Term 1, 2024 Sport Sign-on – register here by Wed 11th Oct
There is one slight change to Term 1 Sport in 2024 with the addition of an Open 2nd XVIII AFL team. The distribution of year levels in AFL has also changed. See below:
- Open 1st XVIII and 2nd XVIII – now students from Years 10-12, 2024. This is a change from previous years.
- 9A/9B – students from Year 9, 2024.
- 8A/8B – students from Year 8, 2024.
- 7A/7B – students from Year 7, 2024.
- 6A/6B/6C – students from Year 6, 2024.
- 5A/5B/5C – students from Year 5, 2024.
Families are reminded to access all Sport information via the Villanova College website and the Villanova College App. The Locker Room tab provides updated information regarding training schedules and current AIC/trial draws.
The AIC Draw 2023 can also be accessed here. A note that in some cases, draws may not match the AIC draw. Families are encouraged to always check The Locker Room for accurate draws. Weekly Team Lists will be posted regularly to the Parent Lounge and Student Cafe Portals.
Term 4 Sport
Information will be provided next week regarding the AIC Touch Invitational Carnival on Saturday 21 October and AIC Water Polo on Sunday 22 October 2023. Students will be asked to sign-on for these activities via a link provided on the website Locker Room page. More information will be provided in next week’s Sports Bulletin also.
For those students keen to be involved in Esports on Saturday 21 October 2023 please contact Mr Jason Lane at
2023 Sport Photos – Basketball First V & Representative Photos
The following photos are scheduled for Tuesday 17 October 2023 at Villanova College.
- First V Basketball team 2023 – students must bring their full playing uniform for the photo – time to be confirmed.
- Representative Sport photo – any students from Years 5-12 who have represented their region in school sport (Metropolitan East), State in either school sport or club (Queensland) or Nation in either school sport or club (Australia). Students must bring their full representative playing uniform for the photo (boots not required). Only boys in full region/state/national attire will be in the photograph – time to be confirmed.
Term 1 Sport Registrations
As mentioned above, Term 1 Sport registrations will close by Wednesday 11 October. Please register via the link below:
AIC Term 1, 2024 Sport Sign-on – register here by Wed 11th Oct
Training Schedules
Please see link below with the Term 4, 2023 training schedule. This schedule commences from Week 2, Term 4 (from Monday 9 October). This training schedule is only for Weeks 2-4, Term 4.
Villa Sport – Term 4, 2023 – Training schedule
Following Cricket selection trials in Week 4 and AFL/Volleyball selection trials in Week 5, an updated training schedule will then be posted from Weeks 5-8.
For all updated information regarding training and selection trials schedules, please visit the Locker Room page of the Villanova College website.
AIC Track & Field Championships – Dates
- Day 1 – Thursday 5 October – 1pm – 5pm
- Day 2 – Friday 6 October – 8.30am – 2pm
AIC Track & Field Championships
The team’s preparation has been encouraging and we are looking forward to a successful carnival. Unfortunately, not everyone who has trained will get the chance to compete on Thursday and Friday. However, we believe that all those who have trained are important members of the 2023 AIC Track & Field Team, therefore all squad members who have trained throughout the season are invited to attend the carnival with the competing team as a spectator/reserve tomorrow and to be present for the team photo at 7am on the quadrangle.
There have been a number of changes due to illness and injury and a final team list will be posted in the Parent Lounge and Student Cafe portals. Simply log in as normal to these portals. Select the ‘Links’ tab from the top tool bar. From the drop-down menu, select the ‘Team Lists & Weekly Schedule’ tab to view the documents. All team members and reserves listed are invited to attend the carnival on Day 2. We would like all athletes and reserves to attend Day 2 (even though they may have had their event on Day 1) as we are keen for all boys to be present for the photo in the morning and to support the team on the major day of competition. We do understand if your son, who has not been selected to compete, chooses to remain at school, rather than spend the day at QSAC.
Please find some information below regarding the event schedule, bus departure times, uniform requirements etc. Although parents may attend the event it is a requirement that all student athletes on both days arrive at the College and use the bus service provided to the venue. This is to ensure the staff account for all boys and the entire team is present for photos. Parents may collect their son from the venue if they are in attendance.
Day 2 Friday 6 October 8.30am – 2.00p Main Stadium – QSAC, Kessels Road, Nathan
Team Photo: All athletes are to assemble/meet in the quadrangle at Villanova College at 6.50am for a team photo.
Transport: Bus departs Villanova College from Sixth Avenue at 7.20am and will return to the College by 2.30pm.
All athletes are to meet on the quadrangle for a team photo before boarding the bus. Boys are to ensure they have eaten beforehand and have all the necessary food, drink and equipment for the day. The first event on the program for Day 2 begins at 8.45am (Open 3000m).
Uniform: All athletes are required to wear the full Villanova College athletic uniform. Boys who are not competing may wear their team shirt and green PE shorts.
Competing athletes must wear the following:
- Villanova athletics singlet
- Villanova green athletic shorts or rugby shorts
- Villanova team shirt (COMPULSORY)
- Villanova sports cap (green)
The boys will need to bring the following:
- Hat/sunscreen/wet weather gear (if required)
- Water bottle/s
- Food (fruit, sandwiches)
- Boys must bring their own food. Lunch will not be provided. A canteen service will be operational tomorrow
- Please avoid junk food such as chips and milk drinks
- Other sportswear i.e. spikes
Thank you for supporting your son during the track and field season this year. I am sure all boys will give their best today and tomorrow and we look forward to an enjoyable and successful couple of days.
Zone Cricket
The Zone Cricket Competition begins this Saturday and Villanova has entered seven teams in the competition this year. It is encouraging to see a number wanting to develop their cricket before the AIC season kicks off early next year. This pre-Christmas competition will only benefit the cricket program and also have a positive impact on all players. A massive thank you needs to go out to Nathan Dufty, Jeff Ilka and Ross Whitby for their work behind the scenes, as well as the team coaches for getting the season up and running. The organising of team lists, fields and attending meetings to go into bat for Villanova Cricket club has taken up a lot of their time.
Apologies for the delay in getting this information out to you but team lists have been changing and due to changing team numbers from other clubs, the draw has gone through many drafts. Team Managers will have all of the information required if you cannot access the draws.
Players are to wear their Villa cricket whites and a wide brimmed Hat. There will be kits supplied to teams and players are welcome to use any gear from the kits provided.
All team lists are available on Parent Lounge and Student Cafe portals. Simply log in as normal to these portals. Select the ‘Links’ tab from the top tool bar. From the drop-down menu, select the ‘Team Lists & Weekly Schedule’ tab to view the documents. If you have not been in contact with your team manager, could you please do so before Round 1 starts this Saturday to provide your contact details and to set up rosters for umpiring and scoring. The draws for all teams are available on either the EDJCA for U11 and U12 or BEARS cricket websites.
In case of bad weather, parents are to contact their Team Manager. Notices for Zone Cricket will not be placed on the College App.
Training times for Zone Cricket from Weeks 2-9 at Little Langlands are below:
Session Time |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
6.30am-8am |
Year 5, 6 and 7 |
Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 |
Make up session for rain |
External Achievements
First IV Tennis player Reuben Wagels (Year 9) had a very busy holiday break winning the doubles at the State Age Championships in Rockhampton. Reuben also won the doubles and was runner up in the singles at the Central Age Championships in Hervey Bay. This is a massive haul of rankings points and will likely put him in the top 50 nationwide for his age group. Well done Reuben!

Henrik Frederiksen (Year 11) and Zac Joyce (Year 10) won the U18 Century Cricket Brisbane Premier League last week as part of the Gold Coast Waveriders team. Well done boys!

Mr Shaun McLean, Director of Sport