It was another huge round of rugby, football and chess fixtures over the weekend as our boys took on Iona College.
I congratulate all members of our College community who did their part to ensure the round of fixtures against Iona was relatively trouble free. I thank all members of the Villanova Sports Club and their helpers, who do an outstanding job each home game to staff the canteens at Villanova Park. These people provide such an important service to our own community as well as showing a sense of hospitality to our guest Colleges from week to week. I encourage as many parents as possible to spend some time serving in the canteen, as it is a great way to build community spirit and an ideal way to make new friends. At times the canteen did need the help of parents to serve and cook last weekend, as other parents had to get away to watch their sons play, this left the canteen under staffed from time to time. If all families could lend a hand for 30 minutes prior to the commencement of their son’s game it would be most helpful.
Villanova Park will host most games this weekend from Year 5 – 8 plus some other supplementary/internal fixtures from Year 5 – 12. Thank you to all families who arrived early on the weekend in order for their son/s to be present for their team photos. The remaining photos for the Year 5 – 8 football and rugby teams will be taken this weekend at Villanova Park, please see the schedule below for all times.
It is extremely pleasing to report that all Mega-Raffle tickets are now sold. I thank Mr Jeremy Meredith and his Sports Club team for the enormous amount of time and effort they have put in to this project. The raffle will be drawn during half time at the Firsts rugby game against Marist College Ashgrove next weekend at Villanova Park with the winner receiving $10 000.
Much planning and preparation has been going on as we look ahead to the Trimester 3 sport program. Please read the relevant sections below which outline further information pertaining to the trial process in each of the AIC sports offered in Trimester 3. Please encourage your son/s to become involved in these trials and for him to show case his talents to our school. As College policy dictates, those with special gifts and talents are encouraged to represent our College, furthermore, please be aware that participation in school sport does take precedence over other sporting interests and commitments outside of school (College Diary P18). As paraphrased by St Thomas of Villanova, our gifts and talents are not for us alone, they are to be shared with others for the good of our community.
The Year 7 – 12 and Year 5 and Year 6 cross-country squads have been in training for a couple of weeks now. I encourage all students to keep up attendance and efforts at training, we need as many boys as possible at training to ensure Villanova produces its very best on the day of the AIC Championships in week 5 of Term 3. The annual AIC Cross Country Camp will be held at Currimundi during the last week of school this term. At this stage we still have places available, please make contact with the Sports Office if you wish your son to attend. Alternatively go the College’s website to download the ‘Cross Country Camp – Expression of Interest Form’. It is a great camp!
Best wishes to all involved this weekend as we play St Peter’s College in the main round of chess, rugby and football. Determination, effort and pride will be the order of the day.
AIC Chess, Rugby and Football Fixtures, Friday 2 and Saturday 3 June – Times and Venues
All times and venues for this weekend’s fixtures against St. Peter’s College are available on the College’s website.
Rugby and Football Photos
All teams playing rugby and football at Villanova Park this Saturday will be required for their team photo. We ask all players to attend their allocated photo time 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time. Players are to wear the full and correct uniforms including football boots. Those who attend late will miss out on their photo. Photos will be taken next to the scoreboard on the main field.
Only the 7 XI and 9 White will not have had their photos taken after this weekend. The Sports Office are currently looking at a suitable time for these photos to be taken.
Photo Schedule
Villanova Sports Club Canteen Roster
Please support the Villanova Sport Club by assisting in the canteen as per roster below:

Dogs at AIC Sporting Venues
**A reminder to all parents that due to Health and Safety requirements, ALL AIC Sporting venues are dog free venues**
I ask that all members of the Villanova Community respect each College’s policy and not take their dog/s to any AIC playing field. It is awkward for Villanova staff to have to constantly remind dog owners of this policy each weekend.
AIC Fixtures and Training – Absenteeism
As a matter of course, we would expect that if a player were unable to attend a game or training for any reason he would notify the coach involved. This can be done directly through the Sports Office (during the week) or alternatively and preferably, parents can use the coaches contact details (email address) which is posted on the website under the individual sports sections. The College requires all students to commit wholeheartedly to the entire season including all training and games where possible – it is the ‘Villanova Way’. I ask all parents to support the College regarding this matter.
AIC Chess – Mrs Sally England, AIC Chess Co-ordinator
The excitement is growing after the fantastic win against Iona in Round 5 of chess. Every team won on the night, with the Open team having a great comeback to draw, leaving them still in the race for the premiership. This has been a very encouraging turn around for the team to come from placing seventh in the last two years to facing the prospect of being in the top 3 positions. The last two rounds against St Peter’s this Friday and Ashgrove on the last night will come down to the wire as to what that position will eventually become. So good luck to all the teams for the final two rounds as individual team premierships are on the line and the overall aggregate. What a night it will be against Ashgrove!
As tomorrow is Mission Day and hence free dress, please remember to bring your uniforms to change into as we are away at St Peters. The bus will leave by 3.10pm at the latest. Return will be around 6 – 6.30pm. Please advise Mrs Warren or myself if your son cannot attend. Practice and coaching sessions are still on for this week and next and the championships are continuing. The final round will be at home on the 9 June.

AIC Rugby
It was very pleasing to see the Villanova boys play well against Iona on the weekend. The improvement overall in our rugby program is encouraging. It is not necessarily about winning more games than the opposition, although I do confess to enjoying that winning feeling! The pleasure for me comes when I see the Villanova boys giving 100% for their College and their mates on the paddock.
To top off the day the First XV team performed brilliantly against the opposition in a hard fought battle and took the win in the dying moments of the game. Please see below a picture capturing the match-winning try by Matt Winsbury with no time left on the clock!

Matt Winsbury with the match-winning try

AIC Football
Villanova were up against some tough opposition over the weekend as Iona has been the in-form school and will probably take out the aggregate this year. We wish all players the very best as they face St Peter’s and Ambrose Treacy in football this weekend.

AIC Cross Country
Information regarding the up-coming Cross Country Camp will be distributed before the end of the week. Any student from Year 7 – 12 who would like to attend camp and has not completed the necessary form is asked to collect one from the Sports Office or via the web ASAP. We have a few spots remaining. Any potential runner who is currently playing rugby or football is encouraged to join the squad and attend the camp.
AIC Date Claimers:
All the AIC meets listed below apply to both the Year 5 and Year 6 and Year 7 – 12 squads at the same venue on the same day.
- Wednesday 21 – 23 June Villanova Cross Country Camp at Currimundi Recreation Centre (open to all Year 7 – 12 students only)
- Saturday 22 July AIC Meet at Limestone Park hosted by St Peter’s and St Edmund’s College (this will be held after Round 1 of basketball/tennis in the afternoon)
- Friday 28 July AIC Meet at Curlew Park hosted by St Patrick’s College
- Friday 4 August AIC Meet at Runcorn hosted by St Laurence’s College
- Wednesday 9 August AIC CHAMPIONSHIP at Limestone Park
Please note the College will supply bus transportation to and from each venue listed above.
Year 5 and 6 Basketball Trials
Basketball trials for students in Year 5 and 6 will continue until the end of Term 2. Students will be notified during the final week of this term if they have been selected in a team. Parents are reminded that competition for Year 5 and 6 students is played on a Friday afternoon and it is the parent’s responsibility to transport the students to their venues each week. Car-pooling has been very successful in the past and can be organised with other parents when teams are announced.
Again this year, due to court availability, only four sides per age group can be entered into the competition. Not all schools have the same number of team entries, which means that many of our sides will be travelling to different venues each week in a supplementary draw. An internal competition will be made available to all students who do not make a team, during Friday sport next term.
AIC Tennis and Basketball Trials
Boys from Years 5 – 12 wishing to trial out for the above-mentioned AIC teams must complete a ‘Trimester 3 Sign-On Form’. These forms have been distributed to all students in Years 5 – 12 in their Pastoral lessons. Any student who was absent on the day of distribution is asked to collect a form from the Sports Office or download one from the website. We encourage as many students as possible to get involved. All sign-on forms are due tomorrow.
AIC Tennis Trials
Any student who wishes to play tennis for Villanova must complete a ‘Trimester 3 Sign-On Form’. All trials will be held at Morningside Tennis Centre (MTC) and the College will provide bus transportation for all players back to school after the morning sessions. All boys must find their own way to MTC for the morning and evening sessions.
There will be two weeks of trials. Trial number 1 will commence on the week beginning Monday 12 June. Trial number 2 will commence the following week beginning Monday 19 June. Within these two trial weeks, all age groups will have four trial sessions in total – trial session number 1, 2, 3 and 4 as per the schedule below. All interested students are to attend ALL trial sessions in order to be considered for selection. The managers and coaches of each age group will conduct these trials and will choose four players in each team plus one reserve for the age group. All teams are then to follow the training schedule commencing on Wednesday 12 July.
Please note that some managers may require more time to select teams, therefore, some players may be required to attend one or two of the regular training sessions held in Term 3 before teams are finalised.
Tennis Trial Schedule
AIC Basketball Trials
Any boy wishing to make an AIC Basketball team must complete the ‘Trimester 3 Sign-on Form’ to register their interest. These forms have been distributed to all students during their pastoral class. These forms are available from the Sports Office and are posted on the web.
Year 5 and 6 Trials will be conducted within school time.
Year 7 – Open Trials: There will be two weeks of trials held. All trials will be conducted in Goold Hall or at the Clem Jones Centre for all age groups. All players trialling at the Clem Jones Centre must find their own way to the venue. The College will then organise bus transportation back to the College afterwards. Trial Week No 1 will commence the week beginning Monday 12 June. Trial Week No 2 will commence the following week beginning Monday 19 June. Within these two trial weeks, all age groups will have 3 – 4 trial sessions in total – Trial Session No 1, 2, 3 and 4 as per trial schedule found below. All interested students are to attend ALL trial sessions in order to be selected to represent Villanova. After these trials, the coaches will then select all teams within that age group. Once selected all teams will then follow the Term 3 training schedule as posted on the ‘season schedule’ on the web within the AIC Basketball section.
Please note: Coaches may choose to make a first cut of players after the first trial week. All players who have made it through the first cut are then able to attend the basketball clinic on Saturday 17 June.
Basketball Trial Schedule
Representative Sport
Well done to Lucas Boylan and George Stokes who both made the 14 – 15years Met East Ruby Team and will now compete at the State Championships in Townsville in July. A great achievement, well done and good luck boys!
Congratulations to Jordan Zappala who recently made the Met East 13 – 15years Met East Football Team that will compete in the State Championships in Cairns in July. Well done Jordan and best wishes!
On Sunday 8 January, at the 2017 Queensland Junior Track Cycle Championships at Anna Meares Velodrome, Chandler, Matt Rolls won the bronze medal in the U17 Teams Pursuit. A great effort. Well done Matt!
Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport