This weekend marks the final round of AIC chess, rugby and football for 2017. For many of our Year 12 students this will be their last opportunity to play schoolboy footy. Many of these boys have enjoyed representing Villanova since their days back in Year 5 or Year 8. On behalf of the College, I thank all the Year 12 students for their efforts over the years and I wish them the very best in their last game for the mighty ‘Green and Gold’.
The cross-country season is now in full swing. Both the Year 5 and Year 6 and Year 7 – 12 squads have been training for a number of weeks now. At present, we are seeking more students to join the Cross Country squad. I ask all boys from Year 5 – 12 who currently play rugby and football to give serious consideration to join the AIC cross-country squad after the footy season is over. We need our best runners to represent our school on the day of the AIC Championships. If you know your son is more than capable, please encourage him to become involved. All information pertaining to the Cross Country season can be found on the College’s website under the AIC Cross Country section.
We are currently looking to finalise all trial arrangements for the next trimester of sport. If your son has not completed a sign on sheet, please direct him to the Sports Office or have him download a ‘sign-on form’ from the College’s website. In fact, these sign-on forms were due at the Sports Office last week. All details regarding the trial schedule for the AIC basketball and AIC tennis season is posted on the College’s website. The trials begin next week. Information regarding the AIC track and field season will be posted on the College web page early next term. Track and field training will not commence until after the Exhibition holiday week.
This weekend Villanova is up against Ashgrove and it will be a big day, as the Mega-Raffle is to be drawn at the half time break of the First rugby game. The winner will take the grand prize of $10 000. Many thanks to all members of the Sports Club for their continued support of this fundraiser. I ask all students from Years 5 – 12 to make the extra effort this weekend to stay and support their fellow schoolmates in the other matches, particularly the First rugby and football games that will be played at Villanova Park this weekend. I wish everybody all the very best for the final round of rugby, football and chess.
AIC Rugby, Football and Chess Fixtures, Friday 9 and Saturday 10 June – Times and Venues
All times and venues for this weekend’s fixtures against Marist College Ashgrove are available on the College’s website.
Villanova Park Canteen
All parents are asked to assist in the canteen during the time your son/s have their warm ups. We desperately need help first thing in the morning preparing the food and cooking the BBQ. Please help if you can.

AIC Rugby and Football Results – Round 6

Outstanding Team Photos
Football: The following teams will have their team photo taken at Villanova Park this Saturday, Round 7: 7th XI at 8.00am and 9 White at 9.00am. Please meet Mrs Underhill near the scoreboard and ensure you arrive dressed in your correct playing apparel. Remember – be on time or you will miss your photo!
Rugby and Football Clinics
Please refer to the respective AIC Rugby and AIC Football section on the website to view information regarding a Rugby Academy Skills Session run at Ballymore and a Football Clinic run at Eastern Suburbs Football Club in the coming weeks. We believe both of these sessions will be great opportunities for our students to develop further their skills.
AIC Chess – Mrs Sally England, AIC Chess Co-ordinator
This week is the last round of competition and is at home against Ashgrove. It is a vital round for all as the individual premierships and the aggregate are all on the line. Good luck to all the teams and congratulations for a very competitive season.
Team photos will be taken immediately after school finishes on Friday and all students including C team members are welcome to attend. Games should finish around 5.30 – 6.00pm and students will be free to leave at the conclusion, as a presentation night will occur early in Term 3 (parents will be notified of this date later on).
The final coaching session will be held this Friday, but chess will continue to be played at morning tea until the end of Term 2 and into Term 3 to allow the boys some lunchtime activity. Once again, a final good luck to the boys for Friday night.

AIC Cross Country – Mr Brett Morrissey Cross Country Co-ordinator
The Year 7 – 12 cross-country runners are in their sixth week of preparations for the AIC carnival in August. We meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 6:45am outside Goold Hall, and walk down to Langlands Park to train. The runners are consistently taking part in high quality training sessions and are now beginning to show significant improvements.
Everyone is beginning to gain an understanding of the different types of sessions that go into preparing a runner for AIC day. Terms like threshold runs, hill pyramids and fartlek sessions are becoming common tongue, and the lads are learning the importance of “pace” during sessions as opposed to simply how far they run. It has been the coaches’ pleasure to witness many runners pushing their limits in what is surely one of the toughest sports in our AIC calendar.
Numbers have generally been between 30 – 50 runners, but the College would love to see these numbers grow as the rugby and football seasons conclude. It is imperative that the lads intending on joining the cross-country squad once their other sports are finalised, begin training before the holidays, and maintain this over the two week June/July holidays! Runners should race weekly in their local Park Run, or come along to Thompson Estate Athletics on Thursday nights at Clem Jones, from 6.30pm.
After the holidays, there are three warm-up carnivals (details on the College website) and the climax is AIC Cross Country at Limestone Park, Ipswich, on the Wednesday of Week 5, Term 3. The coaches, Mr David Barton (old boy), Mr Brian Pascoe, Mr Kane Corby and Mr Brett Morrissey (Villanova staff) would love to see plenty more runners join in the training ASAP. See you there!
Cross Country Camp: All relevant forms and payments were due back to the Sports Office yesterday.
AIC Tennis Trials
Any student who wishes to play tennis for Villanova must complete a ‘Trimester 3 Sign-On Form’. All trials will be held at Morningside Tennis Centre (MTC) and the College will provide bus transportation for all players back to school after the morning sessions. All boys must find their own way to MTC for the morning and evening sessions.
There will be two weeks of trials. Trial number 1 will commence on the week beginning Monday 12 June. Trial number 2 will commence the following week beginning Monday 19 June. Within these two trial weeks, all age groups will have four trial sessions in total – trial session numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 as per the schedule below. All interested students are to attend ALL trial sessions in order to be considered for selection. The managers and coaches of each age group will conduct these trials and will choose four players in each team plus one reserve for the age group. All teams are then to follow the training schedule commencing on Wednesday 12 July.
Please note that some managers may require more time to select teams, therefore, some players may be required to attend one or two of the regular training sessions held in Term 3 before teams are finalised.
Tennis Trial Schedule
AIC Basketball Trials
Any boy wishing to make an AIC Basketball team must complete the ‘Trimester 3 Sign-on Form’ to register their interest. These forms have been distributed to all students during their pastoral class. These forms are available from the Sports Office and are posted on the web.
Year 5 and Year 6 Trials will be conducted within school time.
Year 7 – Open Trials: There will be two weeks of trials held. All trials will be conducted in Goold Hall or at the Clem Jones Centre for all age groups. All players trialling at the Clem Jones Centre must find their own way to the venue. The College will then organise bus transportation back to the College afterwards. Trial Week No 1 will commence the week beginning Monday 12 June. Trial Week No 2 will commence the following week beginning Monday 19 June. Within these two trial weeks, all age groups will have 3 – 4 trial sessions in total – Trial Session No 1, 2, 3 and 4 as per trial schedule found below. All interested students are to attend ALL trial sessions in order to be selected to represent Villanova. After these trials, the coaches will then select all teams within that age group. Once selected all teams will then follow the Term 3 training schedule as posted on the ‘season schedule’ on the web within the AIC Basketball section.
Please note: Coaches may choose to make a first cut of players after the first trial week. All players who have made it through the first cut are then able to attend the basketball clinic on Saturday 17 June.
Basketball Trial Schedule
Representative Sport
Well done to Tristan Lacy who has made the Met East 13 – 15 years basketball team. Tristan will now compete at the State Championships in Brisbane in early August. Congratulations and the best of luck Tristan!
Congratulations to Paddy Price, Tyreece Rotscheid-Felu, James Livingstone and Matt Winsbury who all made the Chairman’s XV to compete at the Queensland Schoolboy Rugby Trials held later this month. Well done and best wishes!
Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport