All trials for AIC basketball and tennis are now complete. Round 1 of AIC basketball and tennis will commence against St Patrick’s College this Friday, 21 and Saturday 22 July.
The annual AIC Cross Country Championships will be run at Limestone Park on Wednesday, 9 August. The Championship will comprise of runners from Years 5 – 12 and will be conducted during school time. A bus will transport all competitors to and from this event. A full schedule is posted on the College’s website under AIC Cross Country. Over the next few weeks, I ask all runners to give their full priority to the cross country program. This may mean that some students will need to miss a number of basketball or tennis training sessions.
The College is short a few runners in certain age groups. This week and next, a number of boys will be asked to join the squad and attend the remaining three weeks of training and various meets. We are hoping those boys who have been identified as suitable runners will gladly accept the invitation and challenge to represent Villanova. It is easy to say no and turn down the request, it is harder for the boys to say ‘yes’. I am hoping both the boys and their parents will support the College if required.
It is very important that all runners attend the first meet held at Limestone Park this Saturday. This meet will be the first and only opportunity our team will have to run the championship course before the day of the AIC Championships, held on the 9th August. A bus has been organised to transport all Year 7 – 12 runners to Limestone Park this weekend. We realise that many of our runners play basketball and tennis. We hope the boys are able to play their game this weekend and be ready to catch the bus departing Villanova at 1pm.
In previous years, the College has provided bus transportation for Year 5and Year 6 runners only to find that most parents transported their son/s privately. In order to avoid unnecessary costs we ask all Year 5 and Year 6 runners to make their own way to the Limestone Park meet this weekend.
I urge all parents and students to check the College’s website regularly for updates regarding the Villanova sports program. This includes information regarding training/trial schedules, team lists, upcoming fixtures/events, by-laws, uniform requirements etc. Plenty of notice/information is given to students via morning notices, assemblies, the Villa View and of course the College website. I request the support of all parents to ensure that the boys are receiving this information and are following through with their commitment by attending all sessions when necessary. As mentioned in last week’s Villa View, the Sports Office is willing and able to negotiate alternative schedules in order to assist students who have many commitments. The ‘Villanova Way’ is to help when you can and to follow through once you have made a commitment.
Best wishes to all over the next few weeks as we prepare for the up-coming AIC Cross Country Championships and the Round 1 of AIC Basketball and Tennis held this weekend v St Patrick’s College. Enjoy!
AIC Tennis and Basketball Round 1 v St Patrick’s College, Friday 21 and Saturday 22 July – Times and Venues
All Year 5 and Year 6 basketball games are played on Friday afternoons. All Year 7 – 12 basketball and Year 5 – 12 tennis games are played on Saturday. Please refer to the College’s website to view all times and venues for this weekend’s fixtures against St Patrick’s College.
AIC Basketball and Tennis
All AIC tennis and basketball trials have now concluded. Team lists will be posted on the College’s website each week by Thursday. Please be aware that these lists can and will change each week depending on player performance, attitude and attendance at training.
We are expecting a significant challenge from St Pat’s this weekend. In our quest to retain the basketball aggregate and our firm placing in the tennis aggregate we ask all boys to come ready to play this weekend. Good luck to all involved!
Goold Hall Canteen – AIC Basketball
As Round 1 of the Year 7 – 12 basketball season starts this Saturday, we are once again asking parents to help by volunteering their time to assist in the canteen. The canteen will open at 7.45am. It is usual that we need the most help within the first hour with food preparation and coffee sales.
Although at times the canteen may look like they have enough helpers, please come and offer your time as some of those volunteers may need to get to their son’s games. So please come along and help, meet some new friends and catch-up on what is going on around the school. Please see the roster below.

AIC Cross Country – Mr Brett Morrissey, Cross Country Coordinator
The first AIC Cross Country meet will be held this Saturday 22 July at Limestone Park. This is the first opportunity for our runners to race the other AIC Colleges and put their hard work and training to the test.
The coaches are hoping that there will be a huge representation of Villanova College cross-country runners this Saturday at Limestone Park and that ALL runners attend ALL the remaining training sessions in the next three weeks leading up to the AIC Cross Country Championships at Limestone Park on August 9.
A final plea to students who are/were thinking of participating in cross-country when AIC rugby or football was completed last term, now is the time to train. We train on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 6.45am, meeting outside Goold Hall.
Remember – there are only three weeks remaining with three warm-up carnivals to get a time on the board!
The AIC Championships will be held at Limestone Park on Wednesday 9th August. A full program of the day’s events is posted on the College’s website under Sport – AIC Cross Country. A bus will depart the College with all athletes early that day. More details will follow in next week’s edition of the Villa View.
It is imperative that all runners from Year 5 – 12 attend all training sessions and meets as listed below in the lead up to the day of the AIC Championships. Over the next two weeks, cross country training should be given priority over any basketball or tennis training.
AIC Cross Country Meet – Limestone Park – Saturday 22 July
Venue: Limestone Park, parking off Salisbury Road, or Lion Street, Ipswich. A bus will transport all Year 7 – 12 runners departing Villanova at 1.00pm and retuning at approximately 4.30/45pm. All Year 5 and Year 6 runners are asked to find their own transport to and from the venue.
2:00pm |
Year 5 |
2km |
2:15pm |
Year 6 |
3km |
2:30pm |
12 years and 13 years |
3km |
2:50pm |
14 years and 15 years |
4km |
3:10pm |
16 years and Opens |
6km |
- Sports Medicine Personnel will be located near the finish line for the treatment of injuries.
- There will be no presentation of awards for place-getters.
- Limited canteen facilities available on the day.
Year 5 and Year 6 Cross Country Squad Training
Monday and Wednesday afternoon 3.15 – 4.30pm
Year 7 – 12 Cross Country Squad Training
Training will continue each Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings commencing at 6.45am at Little Langlands. Any student from Year 7 – 12 who has now finished AIC rugby/football and wishes to join the squad will be more than welcome. I know we have some great runners out there, please join our team.
Important AIC Cross Country Dates – Years 5 – 12
Bus transportation will be provided to all runners for each meet listed below. The bus schedule will be advertised each week via the website and the Villa View.
Friday July 28 |
Curlew Park
Year 5 – 3.45pm
Year 6 – 3.55pm
12 years and 13 years – 4.10pm
14 years and 15 years – 4.25pm
16 years and Open – 4.45pm |
Friday August 4 |
Year 5 – 3.45pm
Year 6 – 3.55pm
12 years and 13 years – 4.10pm
14 years and 15 years – 4.25pm
16 years and Open – 4.45pm |
Wednesday August 9 |
Year 5 – 1.00pm
Year 6 – 1.15pm
12 years – 1.35pm
13 years – 1.55pm
14 years – 2.15pm
15 years – 2.45pm
16 years – 3.15pm
Open – 3.45pm
Presentations – 4.30pm |
AIC Cross Country Uniform – It is imperative that all Villanova runners look like a team, therefore we expect all runners to wear the following uniform on the day of the championships and to all meets. All items are available from the College Uniform Shop:
- Villanova white running shorts
- Villanova athletics singlet
- Villanova squad shirt
- Villanova sports cap (green)
Ben Mowen and Andrew Slack Squads
The participants of the above mentioned squads for the up-coming 2017/18 season will be published on the web in the AIC rugby section within the next week. All members are expected to participate in this year’s track and field program. The complete program details will be posted towards the end of this term.
AIC Track and Field
AIC track and field training will commence for all age groups from Years 5 – 12 the week beginning Monday 21 August. All training will be held at SAF (State Athletic Facility, Kessels Road, Nathan) and Villanova Park on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3.45 – 5.00pm. All athletes will be transported by bus to and from SAF and Villanova Park. A full season schedule will be available on the web by the end of next week.
Kids Karate
The Australian Fitness and Martial Arts Club is starting now new Kids Karate Beginners Classes for children from four years and up (and parents) in Cannon Hill at the School of Arts, 958 Wynnum Rd, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4.00 pm – 4.45 pm, teenagers and seniors 6.30pm. At Norman Park State School Hall, classes are on Saturday mornings from 10.45 am – 11.30 am. Beginner classes are held in Mount Gravatt on Monday and Wednesday. Contact Christine on 0400179960 for more information or visit their website Free Trial! Join Queensland’s leading Family Karate Club with competitive fees, great atmosphere and happy children and parents enjoying the sport of Karate.
Representative Sport
Well done to Jaxon Paterson-Wright who came first in the recent Queensland State Cross Country Championships in the 15 years division. Jaxon has now made the Queensland Cross Country Team and will travel to Hobart to compete in the National Championships held in August.
Jaxon’s hard training has certainly paid off this year. Firstly, he won the ‘King of the Mountain’ two years in a row at the Currimundi Cross Country Camp which has never been achieved before. He then won the Gold Coast 4km Dash winning in a time of 12:36 (7 seconds off the record), again being the first person to win this race two years in a row. Last weekend Jaxon ran the best race of his life to win at the Queensland State Cross-Country Championships, beating everyone by 80 metres (15 secs). He ran 12:43 for that course with the hills and the mud. We are very proud of his fine efforts, well done Jaxon!
Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport