Sunday 18 August, 7.30am in Goold Hall
All family members are warmly invited to a special QCMF Mass in Goold Hall, at 7.30 am on Sunday. Led by College Chaplain, Fr Peter Wieneke, the Mass features music by the shared liturgy bands of different schools. There is also a focus on schools coming together in a shared love of music. For those of you – like me – who look forward to QCMF and its unique community spirit, you are warmly welcome to come along.
Having spent last week on leave, Reece Jansen (2019 Ministry Captain) has put the following report together, including quotes from around the Ministry groups.
Mr John Holroyd, Dean of Mission and Identity
Looking back on the Ministry Year – Ministry Report
Rosies involves a group of students and staff going out on a Friday night and spending valuable time with Brisbane’s homeless community. For us, this might just be one simple way we are giving back to the community, but for them, the visit from the Rosies van each night is often the highlight of their day. One of the best things about Rosies is that it even though it requires very little commitment; only one or two Fridays a year, but you can get so much out of the experience. The conversations you have with the homeless are enjoyable, interesting, and eye-opening. ‘ (Ben McGregor – 2019 Rosies Captain).

In AFAS this term we are working hard to ensure we have a successful trip to the Philippines over the September holidays. We rehearsed a hip-hop dance to a very popular song in the Philippines, Inigo Pascual. We may need a little practice, but it’s safe to say, we had fun. A Facebook group has been created for those who wish to follow our journey in the Philippines. The group name is AFAS Exchange 2019, and all are welcome. There is still a lot of work to do for all the members of AFAS, such as packaging gifts that we will be taking over with us and preparing for Villa Visions – we aim to raise as much money as possible to take to the Philippines and make a difference. (Marcus Sountas – 2019 AFAS Vice Captain).
YAYM is the driving force of all ministries here at Villanova, they call themselves the sausage party. They are putting in the hard work, including recycling, #NovaNation wristbands, and their iconic BBQ snags and drinks. They don’t ask for anything in return – except a chocolate here and there – awaiting their next task for the good of the community.
YCS is all about unifying the three schools into one College, you will see the seniors down at the Junior school every Friday lunch. These bonds are strengthened by the recently introduced senior mentoring program where seniors go down on Wednesdays and Thursdays during Pastoral to hang out with the lads.
St Vincent De Paul has been very active this year. I would personally like to thank the Villanovan community for its many donations of food and essentials for the homeless. As part of the annual sleepout we visited a hostel and were confronted by the human face of homelessness. It is humbling to see the adversity that some people live with. Packing food for distribution to Blind Eye ministries felt like a concrete way to help, but we saw when we met with their volunteers that the true gift was the welcome and respect, they gave to the homeless people. Dan Ingledew (Villanova Old Boy – 2013) gave an inspiring talk to our lads about the work of Vinnies and such examples and our experiences will hopefully motivate many of us to continue to volunteer long after we leave Villanova.
I am very grateful to be in the position of Ministry Captain; it gives me the chance to be a catalyst for change, but it wouldn’t work without the boys behind me. Together this year we have successfully:
- changed Mission Day from mass consumption to a day of reflection, from gorging to giving.
- We have started a long-lasting recycling scheme, utilising the 10 cents per bottle and can for goals, the next being customised Wildcat basketballs.
- We have also made many friends along the way; in our own Ministry, in others, with staff, and with the less fortunate.
- This year has seen a move to a one goal mindset for the ministries, each keeping their annual traditions, but coming together when needed for the common good.
On a personal note, Ministry has helped me immensely throughout my journey here at the College. While Ministry remains a fun and rewarding experience, I find I appreciate the opportunities granted to me more and am motivated to do good for others and myself. Our first world problems seem in the scheme of things to be inconsequential. I hope in the future that all Villanovan students reap the rewards of contributing to a Ministry.
Reece Jansen, 2019 Ministry Captain