SVP Delivery of Christmas Hampers
The fully prepared Christmas hampers for 20 sets of neighbours looked very inviting: Each one packed to the brim. The extent of the thoughtfulness that went into the gifts and the items included is quite humbling. We have seen:
- Gift cards
- Table cloths and teddy bears
- Individually wrapped gifts, including toys and games
- Pastorals collecting extra money to top up the baskets
I would also like to thank the number of students and staff who helped to deliver the hampers over the last two days, not to mention those who continue to come into my office with further donations. There is a surplus of cans, chocolates and staple goods which will be delivered as a Christmas gift to Blind Eye Ministries (homeless drop-in centre) later in the week. Special thanks are due to Nickolas Sofios, Alex Wang, Bradley Roulant, Mrs Warren and Mrs Dauth-Sousa, for all the extra work they have done in wrapping the baskets and writing personal notes for each.

YAYM visit to Duhig Village Nursing Home
23 students and four staff members, attended the annual Christmas visit to our friends at the Archbishop Duhig Nursing home. The burst of Christmas Carols sung was enhanced by the superb singing voice of Eoin Hartley. The room went quiet when he sang a solo verse of Silent Night. Caleb Rogers (Year 8) took the lead with Family Feud, before handing over to master Bingo-caller, Luke Palmer.
Whilst we chatted and handed out home-made gifts – delicious cookies baked by Zac Child (Year 8) and decorations made by the Year 5s – a small group of students went upstairs with Mrs Underhill to greet the bed-bound residents. Zac, and Year 7s Josh Reid and Tiarnan O’Neill showed incredible maturity in this regard.
There were many highlights – Will Gyte (Year 8) meeting the same couple he enjoyed the company of six months ago and all being welcomed by so many people with Villanova connections – including Joan, mother-in-law of staff member Mrs Henry. Manager Deana made a great point when she said it was wonderful to know that our generation will in turn be looked after by such good people as these young men.

Special thanks in the organisation go to the dynamic duo, Mrs Underhill and…Zac Child!
Fittingly, we farewelled a fine leadership team of Year 9 members at a local fast food emporium: Harry Corrigan, Hugh Mulligan, Isaac Langford, Luke Palmer, James Haines and Ned Gallagher. They have reached the highest status in Ministry, namely Legends of Awesomeness!
True Augustinians
Holy words of our faith come to us through sacrifice (From the hymn Ancient Words)
Singing this hymn together at the memorial Mass for Mr Nick Simpson on Wednesday brought the whole community together. Led by Fr Peter Wieneke, students, staff, parents and Old Boys remembered everything Mr Simpson had done daily, to create the community at Villanova. As Fr Peter said, Nick always placed love of community before self advantage.
There is a mysterious remark St Augustine makes about the Eucharist, “See what you are, become what you receive!” I think this means that if you lean into your ordinary life every day, you will end up influencing very many people. This is what Nick has done at Villanova College. It is so humbling to have worked every day alongside a gentle and thoughtful man who has made such a difference.
Eric Mugenga, our Work and Welcome worker, is also an Augustinian. You can hear where he is on campus sometimes because of the warmth with which the boys greet him. I think they have sensed how much he loves Villanova and pours into every day at the College. For him it is a home. He said yesterday, “How can I know who I am unless my friends tell me?” That insight about what community offers has grown from the deep pain of his past. It is through sacrifice, every day, that words of truth can be spoken.

John Holroyd, Dean of Mission and Identity