This week our swim coaches and managers are making final preparations for the annual AIC Swimming Championships to be held at Chandler next Monday. The College has much respect for the many swimmers who have trained long and hard in the pool spanning many months, as the early rises and countless laps are not seen by many. The self-discipline and motivation these swimmers possess as they go about their training is to be admired. On behalf of the College we wish all members of the Villanova College Swim Squad the very best at the AIC Swim Championships next week.
To support our swimmers, the College will transport all Year 7, 10 and 12 students to Chandler next Monday. I know that every swimmer will appreciate the support given by their mates in the stand and I have no doubt that given this support our swimmers will lift even more on the day. Further details pertaining to spectators and competitors is found below.
Term 2 sign-on forms for rugby, football, cross country and chess were due last week, but we estimate that some forms have still not been handed into the Sports Office. I ask all students to download a form from the College website or collect one from the Sports Office and register your interest as soon as possible as coaching allocations are currently being finalised based on team numbers.
Well done to all cricket and volleyball teams who took on Padua College last weekend. In regard to the aggregate games it was a close day. Both Colleges drew in volleyball and Villanova narrowly won more in the cricket to take out the day overall. With strong results in the last three rounds, Villanova is still in a position to take out a good number of premierships and achieve a credible position in both the cricket and volleyball aggregates.
Please note that the second round of volleyball photos will be taken this weekend for teams playing at Goold Hall. Please consult the schedules found on the webpage and ensure all players are dressed accordingly.
As we enter the back half of the cricket and volleyball season I ask all to keep up the efforts both at training and on game day. It is not uncommon for teams to lose some focus around this stage of the season. We have three rounds remaining and all boys are going well. Let’s keep up the good work right until the end. Best wishes to all involved and enjoy!
Round 5 Fixtures – Saturday 4 March, AIC Cricket, AFL and Volleyball v Iona
Please refer to the College’s website to view all times and venues for this weekend’s fixtures against Iona. Simply scroll down on the College’s home page to the ‘Latest News’ section and click the ‘Weekly Fixtures’ section.
AIC Swimming – Mrs Kate Alexander, AIC Swim Coordinator
The Villanova swim season is quickly coming to an end, with the second last swim meet held at Iona last Friday night. Many thanks to parents who offered their assistance with timing. All swimmers have been training very hard and we definitely saw their hard work pay off with many PB’s beaten last week.
Tomorrow, 3 March, all members of the AIC swim squad will be acknowledged at our College Assembly in Goold Hall from 10.35am. Parents are most welcome to attend.
Tomorrow afternoon, swimmers will attend a final time trial at Langlands Pool straight after school from 3.30 to 4.30pm followed by a BBQ for all swimmers. It is important that all squad members attend this swim meet as it is the final opportunity for coaches and managers to conduct any last minute swim offs in order to finalise nominations for the AIC Swimming Championships, to be held at Chandler next Monday, 6 March.
Final Swim Trial and BBQ at Langlands Pool
Friday, March 3
Langlands Pool, Panitya Street
Time: Warm-up: 3.15-3.30pm
Time Trials: 3.30-4.30pm
**All students must be collected from Langlands Pool promptly at the conclusion of the time trials.
AIC Swimming Championships – Chandler
By now all squad members have received a letter outlining all relevant information in regards to the AIC Swimming Championships. This information has also been posted on the sports webpage of the Villanova website. Please note: The draft swim team is posted on the website, as some changes may still occur following the final trials tomorrow. The final team list will be posted by midday on Saturday.
Our final swim team, to compete at the AIC Swimming Championships, will be selected based on times recorded at the AIC swim meets held throughout the season. Unfortunately, not every student who has trained throughout the season will swim on the day of the Championship. We do, however, recognise each swimmers importance within our squad and the efforts they have made, so every member of the squad will be acknowledged at tomorrow’s Assembly and all regular squad members will travel to Chandler next Monday, either as a competitor or a reserve. Buses will transport students to and from Chandler on Monday.
On Monday morning, the boys are asked to meet on the Middle School Quadrangle at the College by 6.45am (not Langlands Pool) for final team instructions and a team photo, before departing for Chandler at 7.15am. The Carnival will conclude by 2pm. We ask all swimmers to travel as a team to the Championships on the buses provided by the College. Parents may transport their son/s home directly after the Carnival, but must advise a teacher prior to leaving Chandler.
We appreciate your continued support and look forward to a great day out at Chandler to celebrate all Villanova College AIC swimmers and acknowledge the hard work they have put in over many months.
Spectators – AIC Swimming Championships
All Year 7, 10 and 12 students will be bused out to support our swimmers at the AIC Championships next Monday. All buses will depart and arrive back at the College within normal school hours. All supporters are required to wear full academic uniform. Canteen facilities will be available.
AIC Cricket
From the 33 games played against Padua on the weekend, Villanova had 21 wins, one tie and 11 losses. The aggregate teams posted seven wins and five losses. Even though we took out the day I think it’s fair to say that a number of teams didn’t make the most of their opportunities. A number of our losses were very close and they all seemed to go Padua’s way.
This week we are looking for all players to be consistent across the entire game and capitalise on the game breaks which occur. Iona will, as always be determined until the end. All players are asked to maintain a good positive attitude during warm up and throughout the game in order to be the best they can be. I have little doubt Villanova have the talent to go well this weekend. We need to apply ourselves from the beginning and maintain the focus throughout the game. Good luck to all teams!
AIC Cricket Results v Padua

AIC Volleyball – Ms Barbara Dewis, AIC Volleyball Co-ordinator
‘Volleyball is 90% heart, 10% skills and 10% passion. You ALWAYS give 110% – no matter what!
I am not sure if this statement is proving to be a strategy for all teams as we progress into the back end of the volleyball season. Training provides the platform for all coaches to have in place a game strategy for their opposition, however players are taking it upon themselves to use training as ‘fooling around’ time. Unfortunately, this is costing teams valuable points in sets at crucial times, as well as on the ladder of winning a premiership. While we talk about players having fun, if players are genuine and sincere about a premiership there are a few concerns that must be addressed before this weekend’s round of fixtures.
Please ensure all players:
- notify coaches of absences from training and games
- arrive on time for training and games
- arrive early for court duty
- train with purpose
- encourage and support each other at training and games
- listen to coaches
On a brighter note, the highlight of the weekend would have to be the 7A game. This team endured everything that could possibly be thrown at them and only had six players to take the court for the entire game of three sets. They lost the first set 21 – 25 but with some stern but encouraging words from the coach, these six players stood strong and went on to win the game. ‘Sometimes it is not how good you are, but how bad you want it. If you have the right mental attitude, nothing can stop you from achieving your volleyball goals.’
A valuable lesson the players took from this match was to always play the whistle and only the Captain of the team is to approach the umpires during a game. Congratulations must also go to those teams who had a win against some very tough opposition.
As we move to the next round against Iona all teams will need to be well prepared and ready for everything that Iona will serve to you. Stand strong and committed to your team and as always – Carn the Cats!
Volleyball Team Photos
Photos will be taken this weekend for all Year 7, 8 and 9 volleyball teams. Please check the College website for the schedule and ensure all players are on time and dressed in the full and correct volleyball uniform.

AIC Volleyball Results v Padua

AIC AFL – Mr Adam Fry, AIC AFL Co-ordinator
What a weekend of footy it was, as for the first time and I’m sure not the last, all four teams had fantastic wins. Congratulations to all players on their tremendous victories, but as we know one win doesn’t make a season and it is right back to business this week for a big weekend of fixtures.
This weekend will see us up against four very strong sides from Iona so it is imperative that all players are switched on and ready to go this Saturday. A reminder to all players to ensure you continue to bring a water bottle in these still very hot conditions. It is fantastic to see players from both teams arriving early or staying late to support their Villanova mates. I encourage all players to do the same this weekend for what will be a big weekend of Villanova AFL at Yeronga on Saturday.
Results Round 4
5A Villanova 17.5.107 defeated Marist College Ashgrove 2.2.14
5B Villanova 11.8.74 defeated Marist College Ashgrove 2.1.13
6A Villanova 20.10.130 defeated Marist College Ashgrove 0.0.0
6B Villanova 17.10.112 defeated Marist College Ashgrove 2.4.16
AFL Fixtures Round 5
Grade 5 |
Grade 6 |
B Team v
Iona College |
8:00 am
Field 1 |
B Team v
Iona College |
8:00 am
Field 2 |
A Team v
Iona College |
9:15 am
Field 1 |
A Team v
Iona College |
9:15 am
Field 2 |
Villanova Rugby and Football Uniforms – 2017
ALL students from Years 5 – 12 playing either rugby or football must purchase the Villanova rugby or football uniform in readiness for the up-coming season. This includes shorts, jersey and socks. The College Uniform Shop will have all rugby and football gear available for purchase, although some stock is currently on back order.
IMPORTANT: Every boy who signs up for either rugby or football WILL make a team, so these uniforms must be purchased.
Villanova Rugby Uniform
- Villanova rugby jersey
- Villanova rugby shorts
- Villanova rugby/football socks
- Mouth guards compulsory
- Head gear optional
- Villanova green zip jacket or Villanova track suit optional
Villanova Football Uniform
- Villanova football jersey
- Villanova football shorts (not the PE shorts/ not the basketball shorts)
- Villanova rugby/football socks
- Shin guards compulsory
- Villanova green zip jacket or Villanova track suit optional
Please Note: Football players must wear the Villanova football shorts not the Villanova basketball shorts, which do look similar. The new Canterbury rugby and football socks are the same.
AIC Rugby and Football Training/Trials
The first training/trial session will occur the very first week after Round 7 of cricket, AFL and volleyball, Monday, 20 March.
All Year 5 and Year 6 students will be involved in some skill and drill sessions during Friday sport commencing on 10 March. All players must have boots, mouthguards and a suitable jersey (this does not have to be a Villanova jersey). Staff will notify boys when they will be doing contact drills and require extra protective gear.
All training times and venues for all Year7 – 12 teams are listed on the College’s website. All Year 5 and Year 6 teams will train at Langlands or Whinstanes, specific days and times will be advised.
Please see the divisions below, in each division the players will be graded from A, B, C etc. Opens will be graded from 1st, 2nds, 3rds etc.
Football: Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10 and Opens
Rugby: Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, 16 years and Opens (students from Year11 onwards are to play in their age group not year levels)
AIC Rugby and Football Trial Games – Date Claimers
Monday 20 March, 1st XV and 1st XI Football trial v Iona (after school)
Saturday 25 March AIC Rugby and Football v SLC (full school trial)
Saturday 22 April AIC Rugby and Football v SPLC (full school trial)
AIC Rugby, Football and Chess Training/Trial Schedule
The schedules below will be applied all season:
Rugby Training
Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, 16years and Opens at Villa Park 4.00pm – 5.15pm, Monday and Wednesday afternoons
Year 5 and 6 at Little Langlands, morning session 7.00am – 8.00am
afternoon session 3.15pm – 4.45pm (specific days will be advised)
Football Training
Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, 3rds, 4ths and 5ths at Villa Park 4.00pm – 5.15pm, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons
1sts and 2nds at Villa Park on Monday and Wednesday afternoons
Year 5 and 6 at Whinstanes/Little Langlands, morning session 7.00am -8.00am
afternoon session 3.15pm – 4.45pm (specific days will be advised)
AIC Chess Training
Chess Club will continue on Wednesday and Friday mornings in Term 2 from 7.30am – 8.30am. Lunchtime sessions will also be available at first break every day for game practise. The Chess Club sessions offered this term will also double as the trial process to select AIC teams.
AIC Rugby, Football and Chess Sign-On – Forms now overdue!
Please be advised that all boys from Year 5 – 12 have been given the opportunity to sign-on for the up-coming rugby, football and chess season. These forms must be returned tomorrow.
Junior School (Year 5 and Year 6) Rugby and Football Information
Of the 311 boys in the Junior School, 236 have signed up to play football or rugby. That is a healthy 76% of our students, however we would still love to have more students sign up to ensure we have fewer reserves each Saturday. If boys have clashes with other sports, we will try to make arrangements to ensure they can get out on the field each week with their Villanova mates. At this stage there will be four rugby teams and six football teams in Year 5, while in Year 6 there will be three rugby teams and four football teams.
Year 5 and 6 Rugby and Football Trials
Initial selection trials will be conducted by staff, during Friday Sport from 2.15pm – 3pm, commencing next Friday. All football players will play games on Whinstanes (Year 6) or on the Junior School oval (Year 5), as an identification process only, in order to split the boys into two groups. Staff will place the boys into initial squads that will then be revised in the last week of term when official training begins.
Rugby players will be involved in a number of drills and play a series of modified matches at Langlands and will require an old jersey, boots and a mouth guard. The boys can change into their rugby gear at the end of lunch but must change back into their sports uniform to go home. Football players can bring along boots, football socks and shin pads, if they are scheduled to trial on Whinstanes and will play in bibs over their sports uniform.
Junior School Rugby and Football Training
All training will commence the week beginning 20 March in preparation for the trial match against St. Laurence’s College on 25 March.
Rugby players will train at Langlands and are to bring a mouth guard, jersey, footy socks and boots. If the boys don’t have an old jersey, an old t-shirt will do. No mouth guard – no contact drills!
Rugby Squads |
Tuesday |
Thursday |
YEAR 5 |
3.15pm – 4.45pm |
7am – 8 am |
YEAR 6 |
7am – 8am |
3.15pm – 4.45pm |
All football players will train either on Langlands or Whinstanes with days and times to be confirmed and are to wear their sports uniform. Bibs will be supplied to help identify the boys. They can bring shin pads and footy socks and boots.
St Augustine Tour
The annual exchange between Villanova College and our brother school St Augustine’s College (SAC) will take place from 7 – 9 May in Brisbane. Each year the exchange has students from both Colleges compete against each other in rugby, football, basketball and debating. The exchange offers an opportunity for the staff and students of both Colleges to form bonds and further strengthen our already strong relationship. Those who have been selected to participate in the tour, including the First Football Squad, the Andrew Slack Squad, the Wildcat Basketball Squad and our debaters have all been given an information letter requesting all squad members take on billets. We ask players involved with these squads to return these billet forms as soon as possible. Please contact the Sports Office with any questions.
Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport