I wish all teams the very best this weekend as we approach the final round of AIC cricket and volleyball.
The positive culture we have and create within the College can go a long way to enhancing our sports program. Supporting our team mates and other teams, showing good work ethic at training and respecting the coach, wanting to be involved and improve, being resilient and shrugging off setbacks which comes everyone’s way from time to time, having 100% pride in oneself, the school and the jersey, are all positive attributes we are looking to instil in our boys. Building and maintaining this type of culture within our students may give them the confidence to back themselves and to put in that extra needed when the going gets tough. For the most part I have been very pleased with what I’ve seen so far this season (we can always ramp it up and go to the next level though), well done to all involved.
Annual Sport Club Luncheon – Please be advised that the annual Sports Club Luncheon will be held at the ‘Gabba on Friday, 19 May. This year the special guest speaker is Kerry O’Keeffe, Australian cricket player and media commentator who will be joined by Villa Old Boy and Olympian (Javelin) – Josh Robinson. Tickets are $140 per head and are available for purchase now through the following link – Sport Lunch Invitation. All money raised will be used by the Sports Club to improve sporting facilities in many areas across the College. This is an excellent event and I strongly encourage as many people as possible to ask their friends and families along and enjoy an afternoon of fun, food, drink and entertainment.
Rugby and football training/trials commence next week. Please be aware of these training times and venues as per website. All students should know their training times and venues, please visit the College’s website if in doubt. All teams training at Villa Park will be transported by bus to the venue. Parents are responsible for collecting their son after training from all venues.
In preparation for the up-coming rugby and football season, I ask all parents to assist the College by reiterating the points listed below with your son in regard to the College’s approach to training.
‘The Villanova Way – How We Approach Training’
- Make sure you turn up to training well before the start time. If it is a 7am start, arrive at 6.45am to start at 7am
- Eat the correct foods before training
- Bring and wear all safety equipment including mouthguards (compulsory for rugby), shin guards, head gear and boots. This allows all players to participate in all planned activities
- Bring a water bottle, have it filled with water and place it nearby when training for quick and easy access. Having boys run off to join a lengthy line at a tap for water, breaks the momentum of training and wastes valuable time
- Be attentive to coaches – listen, learn and try to improve. Do not kick balls or throw passes while a coach is speaking
- Be respectful to coaches and do your part to ensure the team does likewise. If you have an issue, speak to the coach about it
- Be a team player and think what’s best for the team. You may be a good second rower but if it’s better for the team to play you at flanker – then play there
- Always thank the coach after training with a hand shake
- Enjoy playing for Villa and always have pride in the jersey
Please take the time to read the information about rugby and football trials commencing next week as found in an article further on. By this time all should be aware that there is no hire system in place for jerseys. All players must purchase their own kit.
We hope to finish the cricket and volleyball seasons off well this weekend. This will be the final time many of our Year 12 students will play their respective sport representing Villa. I thank them for their efforts and wish them all the best as they look to bow out of schoolboy cricket and volleyball on a high regardless of the score.
Round 7 Fixtures – Saturday 18 March, AIC Cricket and Volleyball v Marist College Ashgrove and AFL (play-offs)
Please go to the College’s website to view all times and venues for this weekend’s fixtures against Ashgrove. Simply scroll down on the College’s home page to the ‘Latest News’ section and click the ‘Weekly Fixtures’ section.
AIC Cricket – Round 6 v St Peter’s College
Although we won the day overall against St Peters, a number of key teams lost their games which will have consequences in our quest to hold onto the cricket aggregate in 2017. It may have been the case where our boys didn’t turn up in the right frame of mind and took the opposition lightly. When playing sport, we would expect our boys to take their wins and losses gracefully. Last weekend that notion was tested both ways. This weekend we face Ashgrove in the final round of cricket. I challenge all teams to deliver their best this week, particularly those teams who perhaps weren’t at their best last week.
We proved last year and in our trial matches this season that we are more than capable of beating Ashgrove. We would expect our boys to turn up this weekend with confidence to give of their very best for themselves, their mate and the College. Good luck boys and enjoy!
Cricket Team Photos – Saturday 18 March
Please be advised that team photos will be taken for all cricket teams playing at Villa Park this Saturday, 18 March. All players are to be dressed in the full and correct Villanova cricket uniform (no club hats or shirts). Photos will be taken under the score board on the Andrew Slack Oval. Please arrive 10 minutes before the scheduled photo time.
Team |
Photo Time |
Game Time |
8C |
6:50am |
7:30am |
7B |
7:15am |
8:00am |
9B |
7:25am |
8:15am |
9A |
7:35am |
8:15am |
9 Gold |
9:30am |
10:15am |
7A |
12:05pm |
1:00pm |
8B |
12:15pm |
1:00pm |
8A |
12:25pm |
1:00pm |
9C |
12:45pm |
1:30pm |
AIC Cricket Results v St Peters

AIC Volleyball – Ms Barbara Dewis, AIC Volleyball Co-ordinator
You never know what will happen when we compete against SPLC. In all games contested SPLC showed that you can never underestimate your opposition. In the winning games (13 wins and 6 losses) players displayed good skill and mental tenacity to overcome the might of SPLC who forced Villanova to play out long rallies. Both teams were never going to leave anything in the tank, balls were chased off court and hit back into play on a very tight angle as well as consistency in using three hits to ensure the team were kept in the point.
Villanova will need to carry this momentum into this week’s round against Marist College, Ashgrove. Players must maintain consistency in serving, communicate with each other on court and use three hits. Varying the serve to the opposition was a key factor in games against SPLC and will need to be continued during games this weekend. All players must stand up this weekend and make every point count, every set count and every game count. Stay positive and focused on what you need to do on the volleyball court and as always Carn the Cats!
Volleyball BBQ Friday 24 March – Goold Hall 4pm – 6pm
Enter a team in the ‘Volleyball Fast and Ferocious’ Knockout to be held on 24 March – eight teams only. For further details and nominations, contact Ms Dewis.
AIC Volleyball Results v St Peters

AIC Volleyball Singlets
All volleyball players are to return their hire singlet to the College Uniform Shop by no later than Friday, March 24. Please ensure these singlets are washed and are in good condition.
AIC AFL – Mr Adam Fry, AIC AFL Coordinator
It has come that time of term where we have our last round of games for the 2017 AFL season and what a season it has been. Unfortunately, last Saturday was a little disappointing due to the loss of games, but I truly appreciate all your understanding and support not only over last weekend but throughout the entire season.
This weekend will be the last opportunity for our boys to don the yellow V and all coaches and players would love as much support at Yeronga as possible. All teams have the opportunity to finish off the year well and I encourage everyone to train hard this week to make our last one together an enjoyable one.
Year 5 players are reminded that training will still be held on Thursday afternoon. As I am unable to make our final game on Saturday, Mrs Robyn Wills has kindly organised a short breakup for all Year 5 players and parents after training on Thursday. I look forward to seeing you all there so I can thank each and every one of you for an outstanding season.
Once again on behalf of Mr Conlan and myself we thank each and every one of you who has supported, driven and encouraged us throughout the season.

AIC Chess – Mr Sally England, AIC Chess Coordinator
Chess has been gaining momentum before our first trial match against St Laurence’s in Week 9 at home. Permission letters will soon be sent home for students to attend. Three Junior teams will also play on that night. Junior players are to keep practicing at morning tea on Tuesday and Thursdays in the Tolle Lege Library.
Coaching sessions are continuing before school on Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7.30 until next Wednesday, 22nd March. They will recommence on the first Wednesday of Term 2. A second trial against St Peter’s will be undertaken at the start of Term 2 and competition will commence after that. The boys will be transported to away games by bus and then returned to school where you will be able to collect them. Games are usually finished by about 7.00 at the latest. If you have any queries, please contact Mrs England or Mrs Warren.
AIC Swimming – Mrs Kate Alexander, AIC Swimming Co-ordinator
The official results are through from the AIC Swim Carnival last Monday. As stated last week, the Villanova boys were on fire. Congratulations to the boys who broke records on the day. Here is a list of all first, second and third place getters. Once again, well done and we look forward to growing stronger and faster next season!
Junior School Cross Country
Next Friday, March 24, the Junior School will be escorted to Little Langlands where they will run over a 2km course (Year 5) and a 3km course (Year 6), all under the supervision of Junior School staff. This will take the place of their usual sport period for the day. We will be expecting all students to complete the course regardless of their running ability. If for some reason, you do not want your son to compete over the cross country course, please advise the Junior School Office in writing prior to next Thursday.
This run will serve as a selection trial for the Lytton cross country nominations and the train on squad for the AIC cross country team. The first four U10 and U11 runners home will be nominated for the Lytton District cross country trial to be held at Villanova Park on 29 April, while the U12 runners will be compared with Year 7, U12 students who are also eligible to be selected. The top 20 runners home in each race will be invited to train with the AIC cross country squad and will be given notes regarding training and commitments early next term.
AIC Rugby and Football Training/Trial Season Schedule
The complete Year 7 – 12 rugby and football training schedule has been published. This schedule is posted on the College’s website under the AIC Rugby and AIC Football sections.
For teams training at Villa Park please be aware that the buses will leave straight after school from outside the front of the College in Sixth Ave. A teacher will then escort groups onto the buses. All players are asked to get changed into their training gear at Villa Park and are asked not to wear boots on the bus. Parents must collect players promptly between 5:15pm and 5:30pm from Villa Park.

Please note:
- Rugby and football Trials will begin next week. This is the second last week of Term 1.
- The schedule above is for Term 1only. The training schedule for Term 2 will differ slightly for all Year 5 and Year 6 football players. It will remain the same for the rest of the College.
- All teams training at Villa Park will be transported by bus to the venue. Parents are responsible for collecting their son/s after training from all venues.
Date Claimers (as per College Calendar)
- All rugby and football training commences on Monday, 20 March
- First football and First rugby trial game against Iona at Iona College on Monday, 20 March. Games to commence at approx. 4.15pm. Bus transportation will be provided, players to be collected by parents after the game.
- AIC rugby and football trial v SLC Saturday 25 March (all teams)
- AIC rugby and football trial v SPLC Saturday 22 April (all teams)
- Term 2 training commences on Wednesday, 19 April, sessions as per program below (don’t forget your gear)
Villanova Rugby and Football Uniforms – 2017
All students from Years 5 – 12 in both rugby and football must purchase the Villanova College rugby and football uniform in readiness for the up-coming season. This includes shorts, jersey and socks. The College Uniform Shop has all rugby and football gear available for purchase.
IMPORTANT: All boys who signed up for rugby and football WILL make a team therefore, parents can purchase these items knowing their son/s will be in a side.
Villanova Rugby Uniform
- Villanova rugby jersey
- Villanova rugby shorts
- Villanova rugby/football socks
- Mouthguards compulsory
- Head gear optional
- Villanova green zip jacket or Villanova track suit optional (no other jackets /jumpers are permitted)
Villanova Football Uniform
- Villanova football jersey
- Villanova football shorts (not the PE shorts/ not the basketball shorts)
- Villanova rugby/football socks
- Shin guards compulsory
- Villanova green zip jacket or Villanova track suit optional (no other jackets/jumpers are permitted)
Please Note:
- Football players must wear the Villanova football shorts not the Villanova basketball shorts, which do look similar
- The rugby and football socks are the same
What to Wear at Rugby and Football Training?
Rugby – Any jersey (preferably not the Villanova jersey), rugby shorts and boots. Mouthguards are compulsory and headgear is optional. Please do not wear the Villanova sports shirt or PE shorts as they may be damaged.
Football – Any jersey and football shorts, shin pads and boots compulsory.
Additional Information – Junior School Rugby and Football Trials
The rugby training times are locked in and will stay the same for the entire season with year levels training together to make team changes easier. Please be patient as the process of team selections will take time. There are many boys from different schools and clubs and boys changing from one sport to another that will change the dynamics of selections and team make-ups. Your patience and support of coaches through these Junior years will make the sport more enjoyable for all concerned.
First IV Tennis Training Squad
A number of our top tennis players have been invited to attend a First pre-season tennis training program commencing next Wednesday, 22 March. Those who have been invited are asked to complete and hand back their ‘statement of player commitment’ form to the Sports Office by Monday, 13 March.
Villa-Fit 2017
All parents are reminded that their son’s Term 1 subscription to Villa-Fit expires on Wednesday, 29th March. The program is always evolving and improving to cater for the needs of our students. If your son would like to join Villa-Fit, the cost for Term 2 is $140.00. Boys may access Villa-Fit as many times as they like throughout the week. Please note that our rugby squad will be using the Villa–Fit gym every Monday from 6:30am until 7:15am.
Opening times:
Before school: 7.00am – 8.00am
After school: Monday – Thursday 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Friday – Year 5 and Year 6 only – 3.15pm – 4pm
Forms can be collected from the Sports Office or found on the College webpage. Payment can be made through Flexischools.
EASTER PROGRAM: If your son would like to train over the Easter holidays, please contact Groove Health directly. Payment can be made to Groove Health at admin@groovehealth.com.au
Junior Villa-Fit for Year 5 and Year 6
The focus will be on the boys learning the correct techniques in the gym in preparation for Villa-Fit in Year 7. Boys will do some strength training, cardiovascular training, flexibility and some core strength in each session. The class will be in the gym from 3:15 – 4pm every Friday afternoon in Term 2. The cost is $60 for the term. There will be an exercise scientist in the gym to run the boys through the session. Junior Villa-Fit will be limited to only 16 participants.
Forms may be collected from the Sports Office or downloaded from the College webpage and must be returned to Mrs Schofield at the Sports Office with payment.
Representative Sport
Last weekend, Matthew Conway attended the Queensland Volleyball trials at The Gap State High School. He has now been selected in the U17 Queensland Squad for the Australian Junior Volleyball Championships to be on the Gold Coast in September. This is an outstanding achievement, well done Matthew!
Mr Craig Stariha, Director of Sport