
Tuckshop 3 (1)

About Our Tuckshop

Villanova College has a self-service Tuckshop that provides breakfast, morning tea and lunch for the students.

Students are to use their student ID cards as a debit card to pay for purchases. This provides quick and easy service. Parents, via their Flexischool account, can view purchases, set spending limits and top up the balance on student accounts.

For information on Flexischool visit:  https://flexischools.com.au/parents

Cash is also accepted


The Tuckshop is administered by a paid convenor but could not exist without its dedicated volunteer helpers. We welcome help from mums, dads, grandparents and other caregivers.

Volunteers are rostered on one day every four weeks generally from 8.30am to 1.15pm but for those of who can accommodate or prefer an earlier start and/or finish, may be rostered on the breakfast shift from 7.00am.

Even if you can only give just an hour or two, this is still very welcome – we can make use of any time you can spare.

Our helpers are provided with a cup of tea and cake for morning tea, a delicious lunch, lots of laughs and an opportunity to see their sons in their school environment.

If you’re a little nervous about volunteering alone, why not join with a friend!

Current volunteers have mentioned the following reasons as to why they enjoy working at the Tuckshop:

“It helps our boys and the school community”

“It is great opportunity to meet other parents & chat to others with similar interests”

“Boys enjoy seeing their parents at school (even though they won’t always admit it)”

“It’s a chance to get to meet your son’s friends and their teachers”

“It’s a great way to seek advice from parents who have ‘been there, done that’”

“It’s a lot of fun”

Please consider volunteering. If you are interested in volunteering, please register your interest by clicking the link below, by calling the Tuckshop or by emailing Dot Blair:

2024 Open Day

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