AIC Football
Congratulations to all players, families and coaches following a fantastic 2024 season. Our First XI placed eighth and Villa placed seventh overall in the aggregate results. Well done to our Premiership winning teams: 5C & 5D.
The 2025 season will commence with selection trials in Term 1, 2025.
Any questions or concerns should be directed through the Football Coordinator, Nathan Dufty.
Email: ndufty@vnc.qld.edu.au
Training times and venues for all Year 5-12 football teams are listed on the Locker Room Overview page – Training Schedules. All Year 5&6 teams will train at Little Langlands or Whinstanes. Year 7-12 teams will train at Villa Park. The College will provide bus transportation to Villa Park for all teams. Parents are required to collect their son from Villa Park after training (approx. 5:15pm). There will be no return bus service from Villa Park.
Weekly Team Lists – will be posted in the Parent Lounge and Student Cafe portals by Thursday. This is the soonest team lists can be produced. Simply log in as normal to these portals. Select the ‘Links’ tab from the top tool bar. From the drop down menu, select the ‘Team Lists & Weekly Schedule’ tab to view the documents. These documents will be updated weekly based on a player’s performance, attendance and attitude.
AIC Football Trial Games – Date Claimers
2025 Trial information coming soon...
Football – Coaches/Referees
If you have an interest in refereeing or coaching, please contact our Football Coordinator, ndufty@vnc.qld.edu.au.
All students at Villanova College are eligible to take part in our annual Football program. Preparation for the AIC Football competition begins towards the end of Term 1 after the Cricket, AFL and Volleyball seasons. However, the 1st XI and development squads commence preseason training earlier.
Football coaches consist of Villanova staff, parents and Old Boys, while a number of highly qualified and experienced specialty coaches are sourced from outside to assist in player development.
All AIC games are played on Saturdays, with home matches at our Villanova Park playing fields in Tingalpa. The Football uniform consists of the Villanova Football jersey and Villanova Football shorts, green and gold hooped socks, Football boots, and shin guards (which are compulsory).
All Football training for the Year 5 and 6 teams is conducted at Little Langlands Park, located across the road from Villanova. Some teams may also train on Whinstanes Oval located on the College campus. All teams from Year 7 to 12 are transported to Villanova Park for training on Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 3.45pm-5.15pm approximately. Parents are responsible for collecting their son/s from Villanova Park after training.
The season generally consists of seven regular games with at least two trial games. Boys in the A or B sides can expect to attend two training sessions a week.
During Term 4 the 1st football coaches begin the 1st XI pre-season program with trials after which a 1st squad is chosen. This squad continues pre-season training during Term 1 in the lead up to the AIC Football season.
A football tour to Japan is offered every second year as part of our development program. Every alternate year the players travel to Sydney to compete against our brother school, St Augustine’s College.
Football is supported by an active group of parents who assist primarily with manning the canteen at home games as well as assisting with fundraising events for the biennial Football Tour.
Since the inception of the AIC Competition in 1999, Villanova College has taken out the title of the ‘AIC Champion Football School’ and has won many premierships including the ‘1st XI’ title on four occasions.
During the season, additional information such as training times, team lists, coaching staff, schedules and results are available on the College website.
Villanova College Football Update
New Life in 2024
With the 2025 AIC Football Season soon to be upon us, it is the perfect time to shed light on some of the initiatives that have been implemented in 2024 to bring new life into our beloved Football programme. From new equipment such as the new goals for Little Langlands and Villa Park, or the new Veo Camera for game analysis, to new roles such as junior and senior goalkeeper coaches, and a matchday analyst. Our programme really has seen a much-needed injection of energy and resources poured into ensuring the students of Villanova College have the best opportunity to excel within Football. One of the largest changes to the programme structure is the introduction of a ‘Football Development Squad’ which provides opportunities for our excelling footballers identified throughout the AIC Season, from grades 7 to 11, to train in the off-season. The implementation of this squad has seen three boys originally selected for the ‘Football Development Squad’ break into the ‘First XI Squad’ this year through consistent demonstration of excellence in the areas of attitude, attendance and performance.
What is the Football Pathway?
As depicted in the flowchart, the Villanova College Football Pathway portrays the progression of a student through the Football programme starting by registering for AIC Football. All students are encouraged to register for the regular season of AIC football whether they start their journey in grade 5 or grade 12. After registering, teams are selected collaboratively by coaching staff sorting students into A, B, C, D etc teams over weeks of trials and trial games. These teams are selected based on the College attributes of attendance, attitude and performance, and can, and often do change week to week throughout the AIC Season.
Throughout the season players are observed by their coach, the First XI coaching team, the Football Technical Director, and a Match Analyst. All of whom contribute to the selection of a ‘Football Development Squad’ and a ‘First XI Squad’, with the Head Coaches of each squad having the final say on squad members. It is important to note to be eligible for selection in either of these squads players must play for the College in the same calendar year unless extraordinary circumstances, such as long-term injury, prevent a student from participating. For example, a student aiming to make the ‘Football Development Squad – 2024/2025’, which commence training in Term 4, 2024, must play for the College in Term 2, 2024. No open invitation trial days are held for either of these squads.
What is the Development Squad?
The Football Development Squad has been established with the aim of identifying and developing players earlier in their Villanova Football journey. It aims to provide players, recognised as excelling within the regular AIC Football Season, with sufficient off-season training and preparation time to afford them the best opportunity to succeed, and hopefully progress into the ‘First XI Squad’. This requires a close relationship between the ‘First XI’ and ‘Football Development Squad’ that is maintained through various trainings including joint Strength & Conditioning sessions once a week, that will see both squads train together to improve physical aspects specifically relating to Football. In addition, joint field sessions are organised when possible pending player and coach availability. This squad trains in the off-season in both Term 4 and Term 1 in preparation for the AIC Season and is selected based on performances of players in Term 2. Approximately 25-30 players are selected for this squad.
Players recognised as excelling in the ‘Football Development Squad’, in the key areas of attitude, performance and attendance, are asked to join in on training sessions with the ‘First XI Squad’. The ‘Football Development Squad’ are provided ample opportunity in the form of training sessions, gym sessions and organised fixtures to showcase their talents, as the First XI Coaching Team are in attendance at almost all ‘Football Development Squad’ events with the hope of identifying players to invite to ‘First XI Squad’ trainings. Should a player consistently demonstrate that he is at the level of the ‘First XI Squad’ he will be promoted permanently.
What is the First XI Squad?
The Football ‘First XI Squad’ is the most professional, skilled and committed team the college has to offer. It consists of students ranging from years 9-12 and sees players endure two terms of preparation in the form of trial matches, training and strength and conditioning sessions to prepare them for the AIC Season. Approximately 20 players are originally selected in the ‘First XI Squad’ leaving room for talent identified in the ‘Football Development Squad’ to be promoted. Under the new structure the aim is that most, if not all, First XI players will come through the ranks of the ‘Football Development Squad’ affording them the opportunity to have played with players outside their year level before entering the ‘First XI Squad’. Players in the ‘First XI Squad’ are subject to invites on international football tours (Japan Tour), interstate tours (St Augustine’s) and local tournaments (TSS Tournament – Gold Coast).
The ‘First XI Squad’ members train together as a unit throughout the season with a First XI Team being selected for each week of the AIC Season from the squad players. Each week 11 starting players are selected with 2 fresh reserves and 4 players from the Second XI Team are also utilised as reserves after completing their match. Therefore, each week 17 players make up the First XI Team.
Am I eligible for selection in the First XI and/or Development Squad?
To be eligible for selection in either of these squads players must play for the College in the same calendar year unless extraordinary circumstances, such as long-term injury, prevent a student from participating. For example, a student aiming to make the ‘Football Development Squad – 2024/2025’, which commence training in Term 4, 2024, must play for the College in Term 2, 2024. No open invitation trial days are held for either of these squads.
Students in grade 7-11 are eligible to be selected in the ‘Football Development Squad’.
Students in grade 9-12 are eligible to be selected in the ‘First XI Squad’.
Please keep in mind these grades are based on the year level you are entering, so if you are in Grade 8 in 2024 you are eligible for the First XI Squad that commences training in Term 4, 2024 as you will be in Grade 9 in 2025 when that squad is still training.